Food & Farming Media Network
Become a Member
Our Food and Farming Media Network is a community and resource hub for journalists and editors — everyone whose work touches on the food system.
The Details
Sentient’s Food and Farming Media Network is a members-only space for journalists at all stages of their careers who want to learn about and report on food systems and factory farming more effectively.
Members will have access to:
- Reporting and freelance resources
- Self-guided courses to improve coverage
- Members-only events with food/climate journalists and publishers
- Mentorship
- A monthly newsletter filled with the latest pitching opportunities
- Opportunities on Slack and Zoom for networking
Our members have published at top media outlets including The Guardian, Vox and more. Check out some of their work below.
- The Guardian | Lobby groups fought ‘hard and dirty’ against EU ban on caged farm animals
- Vox | The biggest animal welfare crisis you’ve never heard of
- DeSmog | How the Animal Pharma Industry Resists Moves to Curb the Overuse of Antibiotics on Farms
- Vox | The “humanewashing” of America’s meat and dairy, explained
Toronto Star | Exposing cruelty on farms should be applauded, not punished
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