Fact Check
How Ads for Meat, Milk and Eggs Sell You a Fantasy
A side-by-side comparison of marketing myths with reality.
Food•7 min read
Fact Check
A side-by-side comparison of marketing myths with reality.
Food•7 min read
A mix of reasons — avian flu, inflation and shifting demand are all partly to blame.
Food•7 min read
A new venture aims to claim carbon credits for its steaks and burgers.
Food•37 min read
Fact Check
A look back at the year’s manipulative messaging.
Food•8 min read
Turkeys can live over a decade in the wild. But on farms, they’re slaughtered as young as 12 weeks old.
Food•5 min read
The U.S. government has a lot to do with it.
Food•11 min read
Symbols like ‘recyclable’ and ‘compostable’ aren’t as reliable as you’d expect.
Food•9 min read
Industrial farming operations stuffed with thousands of hogs, cows, or chickens seriously harm our health and environment. All across the country, communities are pushing back.
Food•26 min read
Why the U.S. is behind when it comes to connecting environmental and personal health.
Food•8 min read
An astronomical number to comprehend, broken down.
Food•7 min read
More than 90 percent of the polluting facilities are located less than a mile from water used to irrigate fruits and vegetables.
Food•4 min read
The new fast-casual restaurant is powered by robots and a mostly meatless menu.
Food•2 min read
The invasive practice of electroejaculation, revealed.
Food•6 min read
A brief primer on the harsh conditions animals and workers endure.
Food•8 min read
The plant-based leader hopes to boost sales by tapping into the American tradition of measuring masculinity with meat.
Food•6 min read
Unfortunately, the answer isn’t simple.
Food•7 min read
British, Irish and Canadian hog farms are looking to get ‘Prop 12 certified’ to sell pork to the golden state.
Food•5 min read
How the meat and dairy industries rely on the labor and suffering of mothers.
Food•9 min read
We investigated the animal welfare claims on Open Farm’s pet food labels and found they don’t live up to the hype.
Food•6 min read
Land grant universities whose research supports the beef industry are funded in part by land stolen from Indigenous tribes.
Food•8 min read
As America’s appetite for chicken increases, so too do the negative effects of poultry farms.
Food•7 min read
Documents reveal a proposal to train PhDs on how to boost public trust in pork.
Food•5 min read
You probably knew chickens in battery cages are crammed in tight — but did you know about the neverending light and reproductive control?
Food•11 min read
The plant-based milk might be more environmentally friendly than dairy — but that doesn’t make it automatically ethical.
Food•8 min read
Why eating chicken is not necessarily more ethical than eating beef.
Food•2 min read
Undercover footage shows the fast food chain violating its own pledge to only slaughter animals who have been stunned.
Food•4 min read
Here’s what you need to know about the pork industry in the United States.
Food•7 min read
Hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep could be at risk from ongoing hostilities in the Red Sea region.
Food•7 min read
It might be a faraway scenario — but it’s one worth examining.
Food•10 min read
Layoffs and a declining stock price may signal trouble for the U.S.'s largest poultry producer
Food•2 min read
When a 9-year-old tried to pull her goat from auction, Shasta County fair officials insisted the animal be killed to teach her a lesson about meat.
Food•7 min read
These tactics are just the latest in a long line of campaigns to delay food system change.
Food•4 min read
Open farm days are curated to show the public only what the meat industry wants you to see.
Food•8 min read
Everything you ever wanted to know about intensive agriculture, and the efforts to make it more sustainable.
Food•13 min read
A new report tracks progress among global brands pledging to source cage-free eggs.
Food•5 min read
The dairy industry has been fighting plant-based alternatives for a long time — but historically, it hasn’t exactly worked.
Food•10 min read
Rumors and conspiracy theories about Chinese ownership of a major U.S. pork producer abound, but concerns might be misplaced.
Food•4 min read
An outbreak is killing pigs around the world, and would likely spread quickly in the United States.
Food•7 min read
Like many other forms of agriculture, sheep farming has become increasingly industrialized. Here’s what you need to know.
Food•10 min read
Female horses are drained of blood to provide a hormone used in pork production worldwide.
Food•6 min read
Wagyu beef is one of the most expensive — and consistently mislabeled — foods on the market. In this explainer, we look into what the "wagyu" label means for the cows.
Food•5 min read
A coalition of lawmakers are backing the EATS Act in hopes of gutting the Supreme Court's decision upholding the welfare provisions of California's Prop 12.
Food•6 min read
The 2023 Farm Bill offers lawmakers an opportunity to transform the food system but will they take it?
Food•10 min read
Amid the World Pork Expo, the industry reframes "sustainability" and targets the very communities it pollutes.
Food•5 min read
The Aubrey Plaza campaign is just the latest in a long history of artists, celebrities and athletes hired to promote the dairy industry.
Food•9 min read
An undercover investigator found water shortages and "free-range" chickens that never see the outside.
Food•6 min read
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has many responsibilities, including oversight of the food system and rural development.
Food•7 min read
Is eating chicken more sustainable than beef? The industry is misleading consumers with its "climate-friendly" marketing.
Food•6 min read
Gestation crates are one of the most controversial aspects of pork production. But what are they, and why does the industry say they're necessary?
Food•7 min read
The 1000 scientists who signed the declaration are far from impartial.
Food•6 min read
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