
Become a Social Media Volunteer:

Sentient Media’s Social Media Volunteer Program recruits individuals from around the globe. Our social media volunteers help to fuel our social media presence across all major platforms and push animal-based news into the public eye. Social media volunteers work closely with our Community Manager to learn how to craft thought-provoking journalistic content, with the intent of reaching new audiences and encouraging audience engagement.

Apply to be a Social Media Volunteer.

Become an Editorial Volunteer:

Sentient Media’s Editorial Volunteer Program welcomes professionals from a variety of backgrounds to gain hands-on editorial experience and help drive content production on our platform. Editorial volunteers work closely with our lead reporter and editor to learn how to produce compelling, original stories about animals for the Sentient Media audience.

Apply to be an Editorial Volunteer.

Got other ideas for how you’d like to be involved? We’d love to hear what you have in mind—please contact us at [email protected]


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