Could Checkoff Programs Be Next on DOGE’s Chopping Block?
Critics of checkoffs — the marketing tool of agricultural commodities like pork and beef — are asking the Trump administration to make cuts.
Food•9 min read
Critics of checkoffs — the marketing tool of agricultural commodities like pork and beef — are asking the Trump administration to make cuts.
Food•9 min read
Fact Check
Food•7 min read
Food•9 min read
Food•9 min read
The avian flu outbreak has resulted in even more dead poultry than usual.
Food•9 min read
Food•5 min read
Food•8 min read
I hopped aboard a tuna tour to investigate what it takes to confine these majestic apex predators.
Aquaculture•10 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.