World Day for Farmed Animals Sheds Light on Flawed Food System
In the time you've spent reading this article, roughly 231,396 animals have been slaughtered for food.
Policy•3 min read
In the time you've spent reading this article, roughly 231,396 animals have been slaughtered for food.
Policy•3 min read
Farmed animals' access to proper medical care is often limited by their status as “food animals," leaving sanctuary owners with few options for treatment.
Policy•6 min read
Most families abandon their “Easter rabbits” in less than a year, overburdening shelters with new arrivals following the holiday season. Animal advocates recommend Easter celebrations that are cruelty-free.
Policy•3 min read
Studies suggest that dogs—and perhaps other companion animals—take on human emotions as their own. The connection implies that human self-care and companion animals' health are closely intertwined.
Research•3 min read
The animal protection movement has traditionally focused on reducing suffering on factory farms and in laboratories. Now, advocates are entering the wild to fight animal suffering in creatures' natural habitats.
Policy•6 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.