New Singapore Partnership Aims to Boost Cultivated Meat, But With Chicken
A poultry processing company in Singapore offers up its waste to cultivated meat companies. But should they use it?
Food•5 min read
A poultry processing company in Singapore offers up its waste to cultivated meat companies. But should they use it?
Food•5 min read
In 2021, a pregnant pig named Matilda escaped from a farm in England. Sentient Media spoke with the independent filmmaker who decided to turn her story into a film.
Policy•11 min read
Emma Hurst and Mark Pearson, members of Australia's Animal Justice Party, sat down with Sentient Media to discuss their vision for a plant-based future.
Policy•11 min read
Mars gives us a chance to start over and leave many of Earth's worst practices behind. While it sounds far-fetched, life on the red planet will almost certainly be free…
Food•5 min read
Join renowned photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur as she climbs transport trucks in Turkey, documenting animals in their final moments on the way to slaughter.
Food•1 min read
Hosted by the program’s founder, Renee King-Sonnen, and award-winning journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell, the summit promises to bring together voices from across the industry.
Food•1 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.