How Food Banks Prevented 1.8 Million Metric Tons of Carbon Emissions Last Year
Redistributing food before it’s tossed or wasted doesn’t just fight hunger — it also fights climate change.
Climate•5 min read
Redistributing food before it’s tossed or wasted doesn’t just fight hunger — it also fights climate change.
Climate•5 min read
In North Carolina, Sampson County residents and environmental groups are working together to measure air pollution from the meat industry.
Climate•6 min read
The climate crisis can feel overwhelming. Here are 18 science-backed actions you can take to make a difference.
Climate•9 min read
The researchers recognized farm animals as “sentient,” naming them "key stakeholders" in a just transition.
Climate•5 min read
This summer a Tribal ceremony celebrated the return of sacred fish, lost for generations.
Climate•8 min read
Tens of millions of bison once roamed North America until ranchers decimated their numbers. But today, Indigenous-led projects are restoring the bison and their ecosystems.
Climate•5 min read
Ohio Department of Natural Resources has confirmed 3,500 dead fish in waterways as well as deceased hellbender salamanders, an endangered species in the state.
Climate•4 min read
Here are 12 of the most effective ways to fix climate change. Everyone can help.
Climate•6 min read
Water disputes can harm community food systems. But resolving these fights is no simple feat.
Climate•6 min read
Under Gen Z's guidance, the climate movement has grown during the pandemic, with younger, bolder leaders emerging from all over the world.
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The new book by Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese details a plan to save the future from extinction, climate change, and pandemics.
Climate•3 min read
In Cow, a documentary filmed over four years on a British dairy farm, director Andrea Arnold explores what it means for Luma, a farmed animal, to be truly seen.
Climate•5 min read
In Britain, Black people and people of color’s ability and desire to connect with the land is complicated. But those wounds are finally beginning to heal.
Climate•9 min read
A 2020 film by Greenpeace tells the story of Michel Pouret-Frydendahl and his neighbors, who live near three intensive pig farms in Denmark. No other country in the world produces…
Climate•1 min read
Sustainability is a conflicted term. Instead of asking how we can make the food system more sustainable, we should be asking, sustainable for whom?
Climate•7 min read
In Albuquerque’s South Valley, activists are happy for more green space but worry about how gentrification will affect their local ecosystem.
Climate•7 min read
The pandemic and ongoing climate crisis have shown us that humans are no better for the survival of the planet than any other species. In many ways, they're worse.
Climate•7 min read
Few industries harbor greater levels of fraud, bribery, tax evasion, weapons trafficking, and oil dumping than international fishing.
Climate•6 min read
Meet the Nigerians who are challenging tradition: from innovative plant-based chefs to conservationists who rescue wildlife from meat markets and poachers, allowing them to thrive in safety.
Climate•6 min read
In a year of unprecedented social and environmental upheaval, activist groups are scrambling to predict how the pandemic will play out.
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Jasmine Leyva, director of The Invisible Vegan, unpacks the complicated relationship between people of color and the climate movement.
Climate•6 min read
In a sweeping act of defiance, the protester spray-painted the side of the UK's Central Criminal Court. Someone shouted, “Hey, you know you’re going to get arrested?” But that was…
Climate•5 min read
The neighbors of factory farms are choking on toxic gases produced by farm animals, and the farmers know it. In September, a $400 million dollars lawsuit shut down the largest…
Climate•6 min read
Big Ag is the largest groundwater user in Sulphur Springs Valley, AZ—and it’s not slowing down. Companies continue to add cattle to their herds, depleting the valley’s water supply so…
Climate•4 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.