EPA Moves To Decimate Clean Water Protections With Support From the Farm Bureau
The agency’s “biggest deregulatory action in U.S. history” spells serious concern for climate change, clean air, water and public health.
Policy•5 min read
The agency’s “biggest deregulatory action in U.S. history” spells serious concern for climate change, clean air, water and public health.
Policy•5 min read
“What they're suggesting conceptually makes sense. Practically, it is not a solution.”
Policy•11 min read
“I would hate to look back in five or 10 years at this moment and think, 'wow, what we could have done right now could have prevented so much.'”
Policy•7 min read
For now, plenty of roadblocks to food system change still stand in the way.
Policy•6 min read
Sentient has learned that the primary federal laboratory for farm animal welfare research has lost its probationary scientists to the mass firings.
Policy•6 min read
Zoonotic disease spread and vaccine research projects are among those under review.
Policy•5 min read
Amid a deregulatory blitz, trade group pushes for rollback on environmental regulations, worker protections and food safety.
Policy•6 min read
The president’s executive orders on California water will help irrigate Central Valley farms. They won’t do anything to fight wildfires.
Policy•8 min read
Amid ongoing outbreaks, the flow of vital information between public health organizations ceases.
Policy•4 min read
Arkansas Senator John Boozman has received tens of thousands of campaign donations from employees at Tyson Foods.
Policy•7 min read
A few informed predictions.
Policy•7 min read
Here’s what to expect as lawmakers hash out a new Farm Bill.
Policy•8 min read
What a Republican majority means for the country’s strongest animal welfare law.
Policy•10 min read
An interview with Delci Winders, director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute at Vermont Law and Graduate School.
Policy•14 min read
While much is still speculative, here’s what we might expect.
Policy•12 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.