Is Bullfighting Cruel to the Bull?
Though bullfighting is often portrayed as a fair fight between man and animal, the bull experiences stress, physical pain and, ultimately, death.
Policy•8 min read
Though bullfighting is often portrayed as a fair fight between man and animal, the bull experiences stress, physical pain and, ultimately, death.
Policy•8 min read
Hunting is defined as the act of chasing another animal to kill, typically with a gun. Eight states have banned wildlife killing contests.
Policy•8 min read
Dogs who participate in the Iditarod sled race experience illness, injury and, in some cases, death.
Policy•9 min read
Hunters believe the killing contests help maintain balance in local ecosystems, but advocates say they are often used to protect farming interests.
Policy•6 min read
The decision was met with backlash from opponents, who favor interventions that address the human side of the problem.
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In 2021, 33,687 badgers were killed to protect cattle from the spread of Bovine Tuberculosis. By 2025, 140,000 more badgers could die.
Policy•10 min read
On September 21, 2021, thousands of dolphins were killed in the Faroe Islands. Former Sea Shepherd crew member Lex Rigby reflects on the tragedy.
Policy•8 min read
Keegan Sentner takes us into the heart of a centuries-long conflict designed to eradicate wolves from the American West.
Policy•6 min read
Wildlife killing contests are common across the U.S. Competitors kill coyotes and foxes for the thrill, often invoking the interests of the ranching industry to defend their conduct.
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As with many other human-wildlife conflicts, this story involves the usual suspects: livestock farmers, environmental organizations, and a regional government caught in between.
Policy•7 min read
Despite being classified as a felony in every U.S. state, dog fighting takes place in many parts of the country. Dogs are forced to fight each other almost daily, and…
Policy•7 min read
Most conservation efforts fail to address poverty as a primary cause of the poaching crisis. Poachers can make more money from one kill than most sub-Saharan Africans earn in an…
Policy•9 min read
Public support for the bullfighting industry has been dwindling for years. The coronavirus pandemic is creating a novel opportunity for Spain to abolish the "sport" once and for all.
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In Australia, indigenous hunters are using questionable methods to catch sea turtles and other wild animals. Cruel as some of these practices are, non-indigenous farming practices are equally inhumane.
Policy•4 min read
Gamifying violence does more than disrespect victims. It conditions perpetrators—and the public—to see victims as unworthy of respect and compassion.
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At the heart of the Canadian Rockies, hundreds of sled dogs – naturally energetic and free-spirited animals – spend their days tethered to a six-foot chain.
Policy•3 min read
August is often the hottest month in the Northern hemisphere. Jessica Scott-Reid discusses what this means for sled dogs, who serve their owners' purpose only during the winter.
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Trump didn't complain about the Kentucky Derby because he cares about animals. But anything that brings attention to the fact that the Kentucky Derby is a disgrace is a good…
Policy•4 min read
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