The Stories That Surprised Us Most in 2024
Sentient’s staff picks the stories that stuck with us.
Breakthroughs•4 min read
Sentient’s staff picks the stories that stuck with us.
Breakthroughs•4 min read
Inside a new approach to combating a global health crisis.
Breakthroughs•7 min read
How plant-based honey could help save the most at-risk bees: native pollinators.
Breakthroughs•5 min read
Each year, millions of mice, bunnies and beagles are force-fed pharmaceuticals in toxicity tests, but there are alternatives.
Breakthroughs•6 min read
A new study investigates life in Earth's microbiome and warns that bacteria, fungi and viruses are at risk of extinction.
Breakthroughs•5 min read
The automated emotion recognition tool can apparently be used to assess pig welfare on farms. But advocates say it is too little too late.
Breakthroughs•3 min read
Clean meat is a relatively new idea and one that will likely be called numerous things as it grows. Some people and organizations are calling it "cultured meat," "cruelty-free meat,"…
Breakthroughs•16 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.