What’s Driving Iowa’s Outlier Cancer Rate? It’s Complicated
The state cancer registry makes no mention of the millions of gallons of factory farm manure pumped into Iowa waterways.
Health•10 min read
The state cancer registry makes no mention of the millions of gallons of factory farm manure pumped into Iowa waterways.
Health•10 min read
Inside a Texas county’s battle against the use of sewage sludge and the forever chemicals left behind.
Health•8 min read
“I am afraid that if we had tried to 'hide' what we had learned...then press found out, we would be butchered like a fat buck!”
Health•18 min read
It always comes back to poop.
Health•11 min read
Microplastics have become part of the food chain.
Health•4 min read
A former Florida rancher battling Parkinson’s disease reflects on years of using paraquat.
Health•21 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.