Breaking: Congress Votes to Slash Rural Program Funding, Putting Clean Water At Risk
The latest continuing resolution to pass the Senate will greatly impact rural programs.
Policy•3 min read
The latest continuing resolution to pass the Senate will greatly impact rural programs.
Policy•3 min read
The state cancer registry makes no mention of the millions of gallons of factory farm manure pumped into Iowa waterways.
Health•10 min read
Critics of checkoffs — the marketing tool of agricultural commodities like pork and beef — are asking the Trump administration to make cuts.
Food•9 min read
For now, plenty of roadblocks to food system change still stand in the way.
Policy•6 min read
‘250,000 gallons of untreated beef processing waste’ flowed into the local water supply, the notice states.
Food•5 min read
Amid a deregulatory blitz, trade group pushes for rollback on environmental regulations, worker protections and food safety.
Policy•6 min read
With human infections of avian flu present in the U.S., workers remain most vulnerable to the virus.
Health•6 min read
“I am afraid that if we had tried to 'hide' what we had learned...then press found out, we would be butchered like a fat buck!”
Health•18 min read
Two new studies reinforce the fact that slaughterhouse jobs are among the most dangerous.
Food•3 min read
A new report maps manure spills in Iowa, where factory farms produce 109 billion pounds of manure per year.
Climate•3 min read
Onions are at the center of a nationwide outbreak — but the source comes back to beef.
Health•8 min read
Mothers are rallying behind RFK Jr.’s promises to expose corporate influence over America’s food and health systems.
Election 2024•6 min read
Contrary to what ag industry groups say, these small farmers have embraced the new animal welfare law.
Meat Lobby•10 min read
The Ninth Circuit backed EPA’s response to polluted water: 'study further' and form a subcommittee.
Law & Justice•8 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.