Live Markets Aren’t Just China’s Problem
Many Americans are quick to blame the pandemic on China’s eating habits while ignoring the issues with their own food system.
Health•5 min read
Many Americans are quick to blame the pandemic on China’s eating habits while ignoring the issues with their own food system.
Health•5 min read
When will innocent lives matter more than human greed and pleasure?
Policy•4 min read
We can learn a great deal comparing the discrimination humans with disabilities face and the discrimination many nonhuman animals face. Examining the ableist perspective shows us how that logic either…
Policy•3 min read
With New York City, a world fashion capital, finally joining the crop of cities banning the sale of fur, the exploitative fur industry's days are numbered.
Law & Justice•4 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.