The Word ‘Vegan’ Is Still More Reviled Than ‘Plant-Based’ But…Why?
Why the word ‘vegan’ – and all it represents – turns consumers off.
Food•9 min read
Why the word ‘vegan’ – and all it represents – turns consumers off.
Food•9 min read
Why consumers should beware the latest humane- and green-washing tactic.
Food•7 min read
What makes a food "organic"? One survey found only 20 percent of respondents knew the answer.
Food•9 min read
The terms cage-free and free-range may seem very similar but in reality, there are some key differences between the two. Here’s what you need to know.
Food•7 min read
At a small, family-run dairy farm near Bath, England, cows are suffering. You wouldn't know that by looking at the label, though. In fact, you might think the opposite.
Food•6 min read
Food labels frequently use carefully crafted language that misleads consumers to believe the products are healthier or more sustainable than they actually are.
Food•9 min read
Meat and dairy producers are targeting increasingly popular plant-based foods by challenging whether or not they can use terms like milk or meat. Will it work?
Food•7 min read
More and more consumers are choosing cage-free eggs, but producers are still unsure of what the term even means. That could be bad news for layer hens.
Food•7 min read
By not being upfront with consumers, labeling systems are making the industry seem like it is doing more than it actually is to improve animal welfare.
Food•7 min read
Modern-day meat advertisements harken back to a time when it was OK to objectify women as body parts. In her new book, Carol J. Adams takes a closer at the…
Food•5 min read
For 42 years, Ben & Jerry’s claimed its ice cream came from “happy cows." But when the claim was challenged in court, the company backpedaled, exposing an industry rife with…
Food•4 min read
“The steady growth of the plant-based foods industry shows that consumers continue to shift away from animal products towards plant-based options,” said Michele Simone, executive director of the Plant Based…
Food•8 min read
Food labeling isn’t nearly as clear, concise, and transparent as it should be. Lots of people are confused about what specific food labels mean, especially those that are often used…
Food•12 min read
Labeling meat “humane” that is not humane reflects America’s lack of a comprehensive animal welfare policy. And so, the fight continues.
Food•9 min read
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