What Are Ag-Gag Laws?
Ag-gag laws is a name given to a set of bills by former New York Times columnist Mark Bittman that began gaining traction in several states around 2011. The laws…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Ag-gag laws is a name given to a set of bills by former New York Times columnist Mark Bittman that began gaining traction in several states around 2011. The laws…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Many different forms of vegetarianism exists but at its core it is defined as a choice to not eat or otherwise exploit (in clothing, entertainment, etc.) chickens, cows, fish, or…
Diet•1 min read
For the last century farming practices have shifted with the growth of technology from a family-oriented model to an industrialized setup that maximizes profits and output. Today most of the…
Food•1 min read
There are 3.5 million more pigs than people in Spain, an increase of about 9 million pigs since 2013. Spaniards consume almost 50 pounds of pork per year, which all…
Food•1 min read
Hog producers are often contracted by corporate pork producers to raise hogs for processing. The farm and equipment are generally owned by the farmer, while the pigs themselves belong to…
Food•2 min read
28 different sets of animal welfare rules exist in the EU. But the second the animals are herded into containers and shipped across country lines, those rules become very hard to…
Food•1 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.