Eating for Your Microbiome? More Plants Can Help
New studies highlight the benefits of plant-forward and non-industrialized diets for the gut microbiome.
Diet•6 min read
New studies highlight the benefits of plant-forward and non-industrialized diets for the gut microbiome.
Diet•6 min read
More than a dozen recently fired USDA employees told Investigate Midwest the terminations have stalled conservation projects.
Food•9 min read
For now, plenty of roadblocks to food system change still stand in the way.
Policy•6 min read
Sentient has learned that the primary federal laboratory for farm animal welfare research has lost its probationary scientists to the mass firings.
Policy•6 min read
‘250,000 gallons of untreated beef processing waste’ flowed into the local water supply, the notice states.
Food•5 min read
Zoonotic disease spread and vaccine research projects are among those under review.
Policy•5 min read
In the U.S., bird flu is spreading rapidly on poultry and dairy farms—and data censorship could pose risks to combating it, experts say.
Health•7 min read
A new study uses satellite data to document environmental inequities in North Carolina.
Research•6 min read
With human infections of avian flu present in the U.S., workers remain most vulnerable to the virus.
Health•6 min read
The president’s executive orders on California water will help irrigate Central Valley farms. They won’t do anything to fight wildfires.
Policy•8 min read
Americans waste more than 300 pounds of food per person per year, study says.
Climate•5 min read
Two new studies reinforce the fact that slaughterhouse jobs are among the most dangerous.
Food•3 min read
A new study finds the gas is also coming from polluted water.
Research•6 min read
Meet Sentient’s new hires: two investigative reporters, a fact checker and science journalism fellow.
Food•2 min read
A new venture aims to claim carbon credits for its steaks and burgers.
Food•37 min read
Critics say the controversial GWP* method – which New Zealand appears close to adopting – is “open to significant abuse.”
Climate•7 min read
A new report maps manure spills in Iowa, where factory farms produce 109 billion pounds of manure per year.
Climate•3 min read
How companies like Tyson and Perdue exploit loopholes to employ migrant children.
Food•9 min read
Democrats and Republicans can't seem to agree over what belongs in the nation's leading agricultural policy.
Food•7 min read
Sticking points to significant reform, explained.
Climate•4 min read
CDC recommends consumers avoid dairy and poultry farms, and drinking raw milk.
Health•4 min read
The last UN conference saw major breakthroughs, but there's still a long way to go.
Climate•7 min read
Mothers are rallying behind RFK Jr.’s promises to expose corporate influence over America’s food and health systems.
Election 2024•6 min read
Touted as a more environmentally friendly solution, the reality of fish farms is more harmful.
Research•6 min read
A former Florida rancher battling Parkinson’s disease reflects on years of using paraquat.
Health•21 min read
Inside a new approach to combating a global health crisis.
Breakthroughs•7 min read
Contrary to what ag industry groups say, these small farmers have embraced the new animal welfare law.
Meat Lobby•10 min read
The human emotional toll of experimenting on animals.
Health•10 min read
The Ninth Circuit backed EPA’s response to polluted water: 'study further' and form a subcommittee.
Law & Justice•8 min read
This, despite commitments by the company.
Food•5 min read
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
Climate•6 min read
At least two-thirds of methane emissions come from human activity, which is both a problem and an opportunity.
Climate•6 min read
A majority of people surveyed expressed willingness to eat less meat to curb climate pollution.
Climate•4 min read
Industrial farming operations stuffed with thousands of hogs, cows, or chickens seriously harm our health and environment. All across the country, communities are pushing back.
Food•26 min read
In places with no enforceable limits on nutrient pollution, addressing the problem will remain elusive.
Climate•9 min read
Inside the growing movement to frame climate action as Marxist and anti-God.
Law & Justice•5 min read
How food is politicized in a culture known for its cuisine.
Law & Justice•8 min read
But the Minnesota governor will have to answer climate groups’ concerns about his support for ethanol and factory farming.
Future of Food•5 min read
A recent investigation finds the FBI considering ‘weapons of mass destruction statutes’ against activists.
Law & Justice•6 min read
The state’s biggest business lobby helps two residents challenge a Polk County town’s restrictions on livestock feeding operations.
Law & Justice•5 min read
As global temperatures rise and seasons shift, bees and other pollinators are missing critical connections with flowers and crops.
Research•7 min read
The plant-based dining trend has waned, but flexitarians are still looking to eat less meat.
Diet•5 min read
Our improved understanding of animal behavior is a legacy of Jane Goodall’s work.
Research•5 min read
How bird flu puts vulnerable workers at even greater risk.
Health•4 min read
An email from Interior Secretary Deb Haaland about park officer uniforms did not quell the controversy completely.
Justice•7 min read
Lawmakers overrode the governor’s veto in order to ban drone investigations in the state.
Law & Justice•4 min read
The recent move to criminalize cultivated protein has more to do with politics than science.
Climate•11 min read
A quarter of marine life depends on coral reefs. So do 1 billion people.
Climate•7 min read
British, Irish and Canadian hog farms are looking to get ‘Prop 12 certified’ to sell pork to the golden state.
Food•5 min read
Millions in federal research dollars are going to ineffective solutions like regenerative agriculture.
Policy•5 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.