Deforestation and Disease Are Leading to Global Economic Uncertainty
Deforestation is a global problem. If it increases the risk of disease, which we now know it does, then the prognosis is more economic catastrophe.
Climate•6 min read
Deforestation is a global problem. If it increases the risk of disease, which we now know it does, then the prognosis is more economic catastrophe.
Climate•6 min read
In the absence of political leadership, grassroots organizations and NGOs are taking on factory farms themselves, building on growing public support for less intensive animal agriculture.
Food•8 min read
Public trust in the vaccination process is soaring. Although for some vegans, deciding whether or not to get the vaccine—which was tested on animals—may feel slightly more complicated.
Animal Testing•6 min read
A federal judge recently overturned a Kansas law that made it illegal to conduct undercover investigations on factory farms. The ruling set a new precedent for Ag-Gag laws in the…
Law & Justice•3 min read
Few industries harbor greater levels of fraud, bribery, tax evasion, weapons trafficking, and oil dumping than international fishing.
Climate•6 min read
Join us as we visit Sweet Farm, an animal sanctuary located in Half Moon Bay, California, that is home to over 100 rescued animals.
Policy•1 min read
Thousands of seafarers are stranded in countries around the globe as COVID-19 has restricted travel and forced many smaller airports to close.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Between 2019 and 2020, documentary photographer Aitor Garmendia conducted an investigation into 32 Spanish pig farms. This is what he found.
Policy•4 min read
With as many as 800,000 boats in the water, some as far afield as Argentina, China is unmatched in the size and reach of its fishing vessels. Ian Urbina reports…
Food•13 min read
Hosted by the program’s founder, Renee King-Sonnen, and award-winning journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell, the summit promises to bring together voices from across the industry.
Food•1 min read
The Chinese vessels—numbering nearly 800 in 2019—appear to be in violation of UN sanctions that forbid foreign fishing off the coast of North Korea.
Law & Justice•7 min read
As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, a parallel scenario is unfolding in the avian world. Outbreaks of avian flu have been detected on poultry farms from the…
Health•6 min read
Many Americans are quick to blame the pandemic on China’s eating habits while ignoring the issues with their own food system.
Health•5 min read
Environmental organizations’ desire to protect the planet is admirable, but their misplaced trust in animal testing could be doing more harm than good.
Animal Testing•4 min read
Advocates are asking the United Nations to consider the role of animals in their COVID-19 recovery policies. They fear the return to 'business as usual' could lead to another deadly…
Health•6 min read
The sale of wildlife for human consumption was made illegal in most of China following the outbreak of COVID-19, but thanks to loopholes in the legislation, the wildlife trade is…
Climate•9 min read
By rescuing animals from captivity and documenting slaughterhouse facilities, activists aim to disrupt oppressive institutions—like factory farms—that harm both human and nonhuman animals and the planet.
Food•5 min read
Sanctuaries are implementing pen-pal programs in which children write letters to rescued farmed animals and—with the help of sanctuary workers—receive “replies” from the animals.
Policy•5 min read
Modern-day cat ownership raises ethical questions with no neat answers. As long as humans continue to keep cats as companions, we should make every effort to enrich their lives as…
Research•7 min read
In Denmark, a new strain of COVID-19 originally found in minks has jumped to humans and could threaten the efficacy of newly developed coronavirus vaccines.
Health•5 min read
Food justice issues, like access to fresh, affordable ingredients, disproportionately affect communities of color. In jails, sheriffs and wardens reinforce this oppression by restricting inmates' diets and serving poor quality…
Law & Justice•6 min read
The book features the work of 40 photojournalists from around the world, offering an “unflinching” look at our conflict with non-human animals around the globe.
Investigations•3 min read
As with many other human-wildlife conflicts, this story involves the usual suspects: livestock farmers, environmental organizations, and a regional government caught in between.
Policy•7 min read
Veggie burgers can stay, say MEPs, but “vegan cheese” has to go. Parliament also failed to support much-needed environmental reforms, allowing the agricultural industry to carry on destroying the climate.
Law & Justice•2 min read
The 12-part series investigates racism in the farmed animal protection movement and examines ways in which movement leaders can cultivate racial equity within their organizations and personally within themselves.
Encompass•3 min read
In April, despite his fever, a meatpacking worker continued to carve neck bones out of pig carcasses at a JBS plant in Iowa. Two weeks later, he would test positive…
Policy•7 min read
A new carbon-cutting proposal by a beef association shows that the industry isn’t really looking for climate solutions. It’s trying to maximize profits.
Climate•5 min read
A team of activists donned the uniforms of slaughterhouse workers and entered the premises—owned by Chinese multinational corporation Smithfield Foods—to rescue a 300-pound pig.
Entertainment•4 min read
The use of cephalopods in laboratory research is on the rise, with several labs in the U.S. raising octopuses for their own use and as a supply for researchers around…
Animal Testing•4 min read
Today, more fish are raised on farms than caught in the wild. Trump wants to keep it that way, so he's ordering Congress to lift environmental regulations on new offshore…
Aquaculture•4 min read
Four activists obtained footage of alleged animal abuse at a hog farm in British Columbia. They reported it to local authorities, but now they're facing off with an unlikely rival:…
Law & Justice•8 min read
Millions of farmed animals are being killed as the industry receives billions in COVID-19 federal aid. Advocates want to know where the money is going.
Food•9 min read
Big Ag has historically endangered the most marginalized individuals in its quest for profit. During the pandemic, slaughterhouse workers and farmed animals have often been the first to suffer.
Policy•5 min read
Meet the Nigerians who are challenging tradition: from innovative plant-based chefs to conservationists who rescue wildlife from meat markets and poachers, allowing them to thrive in safety.
Climate•6 min read
The pandemic has created an immediate need to produce a safe vaccine—a process that researchers say can take upwards of 20 years. Is animal testing slowing us down?
Animal Testing•10 min read
A new ruling by the Dutch government will close all mink farms in the Netherlands by March 2021 in response to burgeoning coronavirus cases.
Health•4 min read
During the pandemic, raising a baby duck became a trendy new pastime, but it's not as easy as it looks. Jessica Scott-Reid examines the complicated relationship between the animals we…
Policy•4 min read
Since 2006, Indians have witnessed a major shift in the national diet: from vegetarian to one that contains more meat. But as diets continue to change, so will the climate.
Health•4 min read
Danone, Tyson, and other food giants have promised to reduce emissions in their supply chain, as part of an industry-wide push for sustainability. Will they deliver?
Climate•7 min read
In the new documentary, Takeout, filmmaker Michal Siewierski takes viewers into the world's largest rainforest to discuss why the Amazon is burning.
Climate•4 min read
Could a burger made of plants really be better for us, for the animals, and for the planet? Beyond Meat's answer: Absolutely.
Health•4 min read
Advocates are calling for a ban on live animal exports to war-torn Libya, where missile fire threatens animals arriving on cargo ships from Ireland. But welfare officials continue to drag…
Law & Justice•5 min read
If gassing doesn't always work, why is it an approved method of depopulating farmed animals? Award-winning veterinarian Dr. Jonas Watson explains.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Environmental officials in Australia are manipulating population data and using COVID-19 scare campaigns to eradicate the Heritage Brumby population. Can they be stopped?
Climate•8 min read
Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to ban live animal exports as soon as Britain officially left the EU. But an upcoming court case is spreading doubt about whether or not he…
Law & Justice•5 min read
Farmed animals' access to proper medical care is often limited by their status as “food animals," leaving sanctuary owners with few options for treatment.
Policy•6 min read
Black, Latino, and Asian slaughterhouse workers suffered disproportionately as the meat industry scrambled to respond to COVID-19. Now, they're demanding justice.
Policy•6 min read
Food justice, labor, environmental, farming, and animal welfare organizations launch week of action, send letter to shareholders demanding worker protections.
Policy•4 min read
Celebrities are joining thousands of others to commemorate the life of animal rights activist Regan Russell, who was fatally struck by a transport truck at a slaughterhouse vigil in Canada…
Policy•4 min read
In a new video and exclusive interview, Amy Soranno walks us through her life as an animal rights activist, uncovering the hidden lives of exploited animals in the food system.
Law & Justice•9 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.