UN Climate Plan Fails to Tackle Emissions from Meat, Researchers Warn
The FAO’s food system roadmap omits the most urgent climate intervention — curbing how much meat we eat.
Climate•3 min read
The FAO’s food system roadmap omits the most urgent climate intervention — curbing how much meat we eat.
Climate•3 min read
We investigated why fast food chains can’t seem to nail plant-based meat, and here’s what we found.
Diet•8 min read
Thanks to climate change, many species are facing a tough road ahead.
Climate•6 min read
Charges against three animal rights activists for their open rescue of three dogs have been dismissed.
Justice•5 min read
A new report suggests the government might be funding the wrong solution.
Climate•8 min read
Cattle ranching contributes to the dangerous conditions making wildfires like Smokehouse Creek far more likely.
Climate•4 min read
Some very well known colleges are some of the worst animal rights offenders.
Animal Testing•6 min read
Something unpleasant happens to your body when you stop eating vegetables.
Health•5 min read
Undercover footage shows the fast food chain violating its own pledge to only slaughter animals who have been stunned.
Food•4 min read
The salmon industry plans to pack fish into land-locked tanks, at a massive energy and water cost.
Aquaculture•6 min read
Ending the Chevron doctrine could be devastating for farm animals and wildlife.
Law & Justice•7 min read
In cities like Tucson, Arizona, neighbors are planting trees to provide shade — and food.
Food•7 min read
A proposed state law would help the state tighten its control over pollution from factory farms.
Climate•7 min read
An industry-funded startup is the first ever carbon marketplace to give climate credit to a mega-dairy.
Climate•6 min read
A new documentary chronicles the damage hog farm pollution has caused communities of Eastern North Carolina.
Justice•5 min read
Hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep could be at risk from ongoing hostilities in the Red Sea region.
Food•7 min read
The livestock industry wants to control wolf predators by hunting them, but science suggests the tactic doesn’t pan out.
Climate•8 min read
The new language would block states from regulating animal welfare on factory farms.
Law & Justice•8 min read
New rules aim to crack down on greenwashing, and for once meat and dairy are not exempt.
Climate•5 min read
Despite more humane alternatives, the poultry industry continues to use ventilation shutdown to cull millions of birds in the cruelest ways.
Health•4 min read
The alternative protein market is evolving rapidly — but it still might not be quick enough to outrun the environmental devastation of the meat industry.
Food•8 min read
The Biden administration moves to crack down on labor law violations in the meat sector.
Policy•4 min read
The meat industry’s routine use of antimicrobials is making humans more vulnerable to disease and death.
Health•6 min read
A new Dutch public-private partnership brings together cultivated meat companies with farmers.
Food•8 min read
Up to 80 percent of BIPOC students are unable to digest dairy, but schools are still not required to provide alternatives.
Law & Justice•3 min read
Climate negotiators have started to tackle food systems reform, but hard commitments are still largely missing.
Climate•7 min read
Two thirds of meals served at COP28 were vegan or vegetarian, which could make this year’s conference a model for future climate events.
Climate•7 min read
The push to address food systems at climate talks in Dubai is long overdue.
Climate•7 min read
A report launched at COP28 from Bezos Earth Fund and Exeter University says eating more plant-based foods could help us avert climate crisis.
Science•5 min read
After eight weeks, jurors found Wayne Hsiung guilty of one felony and two misdemeanor charges.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Millions of animals die in floods and wildfires each year. Should factory farms be required to have a relocation plan?
Climate•7 min read
Over one million social media posts amplify misinformation about “soyboys” and “fake meat."
Climate•5 min read
Courts continue to see factory farm investigations as protected free speech.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Climate change is decimating natural snow and, in turn, changing the habitats near ski resorts.
Climate•7 min read
The seemingly humane tradition, which can be traced back to meat lobbyists, correlates with a rise in turkey consumption.
Law & Justice•5 min read
A new study published in BMC Medicine finds even small plant-based swaps can lower risk of heart disease and death.
Health•3 min read
The investigation reveals evidence of government willingness to accept an alternative accounting method that is the darling of the meat and dairy industry.
Climate•6 min read
New research proves that large datasets used to train AI models are particularly biased against farm animals.
Science•6 min read
A new investment report finds companies like Hormel and JBS are driving global greenhouse gas emissions in the wrong direction.
Climate•4 min read
New study highlights the outsized impact of swapping out a third of all meat with plant-based alternatives.
Climate•3 min read
Each year, millions of mice, bunnies and beagles are force-fed pharmaceuticals in toxicity tests, but there are alternatives.
Breakthroughs•6 min read
Residents that live near industrial dairies find brown drinking water flowing from the tap.
Climate•4 min read
Pumpkins in parks and your backyard could be doing more harm than good.
Climate•3 min read
These tactics are just the latest in a long line of campaigns to delay food system change.
Food•4 min read
Some farmers are transitioning from factory farms to plant-based businesses — with the hope of changing more than the food system.
Food•5 min read
A new investigation documents what happens to hens once they’re no longer laying eggs, even the cage-free ones.
Investigations•4 min read
The promise of eternal health and beauty comes at a steep price for animals, people and the environment.
Health•7 min read
The researchers recognized farm animals as “sentient,” naming them "key stakeholders" in a just transition.
Climate•5 min read
Three charts document the lawmakers taking a position on the controversial EATS Act, and the votes still up for grabs.
Law & Justice•2 min read
Open farm days are curated to show the public only what the meat industry wants you to see.
Food•8 min read
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