Meet the Economists Trying to Put a Price on Animal Suffering
Farm animal suffering is a hidden cost of cheap meat. Exactly how much is it worth?
Research•10 min read
Farm animal suffering is a hidden cost of cheap meat. Exactly how much is it worth?
Research•10 min read
Elon Musk's Neuralink has now earned FDA approval for human trials after a history of two federal probes and 1500 animal deaths.
Research•5 min read
Ranchers are paid up to $15,000 per dead cow, and the state is authorized to kill wolves if wild prey numbers dip below a set threshold.
Climate•6 min read
The Aubrey Plaza campaign is just the latest in a long history of artists, celebrities and athletes hired to promote the dairy industry.
Food•9 min read
New research suggests rewilding is more effective than tree-planting, and when it comes to which land to rewild, the answer is also clear: farms.
Climate•7 min read
A growing number of students are fighting back against the government's milk mandate.
Law & Justice•8 min read
An undercover investigator found water shortages and "free-range" chickens that never see the outside.
Food•6 min read
A new report uncovers global climate investors looking to boost industrial pork and poultry.
Climate•6 min read
In a 5-4 majority opinion, the Court upheld the rights of California voters to require pork sold in the state meet animal welfare requirements.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Alt proteins are making th pitch for more federal funding as a new report finds startups need more “technical talent” to scale.
Food•6 min read
Is eating chicken more sustainable than beef? The industry is misleading consumers with its "climate-friendly" marketing.
Food•6 min read
The 1000 scientists who signed the declaration are far from impartial.
Food•6 min read
To help slash emissions, college students are pushing for less beef and more plants on campus.
Climate•8 min read
The Honorable Murray Sinclair worked to pass The Jane Goodall Act, which would turn Indigenous teachings on animals and wildlife into law.
Law & Justice•6 min read
A growing number of Muslims have been working to promote "Green Ramadan" — to help celebrants reduce food waste and eat less meat.
Climate•4 min read
A new EU government report warns of an impending uptick in avian flu outbreaks, especially in areas with a high concentration of factory farms.
Food•4 min read
Two new biodiversity studies find a link between what we eat and the shrinking number of wild plant and animal species left on the planet.
Climate•4 min read
Scientists warn the Willow Project not only damages the atmosphere but also threatens vulnerable wildlife — here are 7 examples.
Climate•8 min read
Experts warn the Florida manatee is at risk of mass starvation as farm pollution continues to wipe out their primary food source.
Climate•5 min read
Most human cases of swine flu are found at agricultural fairs but there are other disease hotspots to consider, like factory farms.
Health•5 min read
Dominion Energy is working with federal agencies and marine life advocates to ensure offshore wind doesn’t harm vulnerable right whales.
Climate•8 min read
From government approval to cultural pushback, here’s how 2023 looks to be shaping up for the cultivated meat industry.
Food•9 min read
Workers and residents say companies have downplayed avian flu, burning and burying culled birds just outside of town.
Health•5 min read
There are ways to reduce risk to dwindling right whale populations, but only if lawmakers and industry have the will to take action.
Climate•4 min read
Almost 200 nations have pledged to protect the high seas — but what does that mean for world oceans and the so-called blue food economy?
Climate•6 min read
In a new study, scientists found an antibiotic resistant gene lurking in the bacteria of cattle feedlot water bowls.
Research•4 min read
Much of the farmed shrimp eaten in the U.S. is raised in India, where antibiotic use is rampant and underreported.
Aquaculture•5 min read
A new research project illuminates the connection between prisons and meat processors, and how both benefit from incarcerated labor.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Researchers call this effect "weather whiplash" but say sanctuaries and sustainable land strategies could help.
Climate•2 min read
A new study finds messages that stress civic action and collective evolution resonate better with focus groups.
Research•4 min read
Ohio Department of Natural Resources has confirmed 3,500 dead fish in waterways as well as deceased hellbender salamanders, an endangered species in the state.
Climate•4 min read
We're curious about animal intelligence but we might not want to believe it.
Science•6 min read
Experts worry the pledge to slash methane encourages "unproven techno-fixes" over systemic solutions.
Climate•6 min read
Wendy's and other national brands are failing to make good on their cage-free egg commitments.
Food•8 min read
New research shows Rabobank provided global meat and dairy corporations with billions in financing.
Climate•5 min read
Domestic chicken-keeping surged in popularity during lockdown. Then avian flu happened.
Health•5 min read
A growing body of evidence shows that both intensive and extensive farms are increasing the risk of the next pandemic.
Food•6 min read
Campaigners say the U.K.'s Genetic Technology Bill doesn't do enough to protect farm animals.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Between February and August of last year, more than half of commercial chicken depopulations used ventilation shutdown.
Food•5 min read
The microsanctuary movement gives rescuers with limited resources a way to do the work.
Policy•8 min read
We know there were animals during Earth’s chilliest era. The question is, what did they look like?
Climate•5 min read
Touring a caviar farm gives a rare glimpse into the life of a captive sturgeon.
Aquaculture•5 min read
At COP15, world governments are at a crossroads.
Climate•6 min read
A growing chorus of animal advocates and researchers argue farm animal gifts cause more harm than good.
Investigations•4 min read
36 new factory farms are slated to open in Ireland, pending approval from the Irish EPA.
Food•7 min read
Marketed to consumers as "sustainable," this "climate-beneficial" wool is polluting the land and killing wildlife.
Climate•8 min read
Climate change is causing more North Carolina farms to flood, killing animals and flooding the streets with their manure.
Food•7 min read
Researchers in South Africa developed artificial nests to help protect penguins from extreme heat.
Research•3 min read
A new study shows pigs socialize in similar ways to humans.
Research•4 min read
"Bees have a richer behavior and life than we would have previously thought.”
Research•6 min read
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