
Join Sentient Media’s New Course: Labor Rights Within Animal Protection

This course explores the contemporary labor landscape and workers’ rights in the animal protection movement.

labor rights

Explainer Law & Policy Policy Workers

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The newest course from the Sentient Media Food & Farming Media Network, titled Labor Rights Within Animal Protection, examines contemporary labor law and workers’ rights, shares case studies of labor rights infringement, and explores improvements for equity and workers’ conditions in animal protection organizations, meat packing plants and other workplaces.

Course Offerings:

  • The Contemporary Labor Landscape in the Animal Protection Movement
  • Power and Oppression 101
  • Labor and Working Conditions Within the Animal Advocacy Movement
  • Introduction to the Nonprofit Industrial Complex
  • Why Should Animal Rights Activists Care About Other Labor Conditions?
  • The Need for Collective Liberation

This course is in dialogue with another Food & Farming Media Network course titled Collaborative Advocacy and will help writers and advocates build more equitable and sustainable movements in collaboration with other social justice movements. This labor course will also help writers think about how to frame their pieces when discussing meatpacking and slaughterhouse workers.

How to Sign Up

To sign up for the Labor Rights Within Animal Protection course, apply here. Once you’ve been admitted, you can enroll in the course.

Plus, we know it’s not just the course that matters, so we built an online community of like-minded advocates and mentors to help you grow as a writer. When you join the community, you’ll also get access to pitching events, mixers, 1-1 mentoring sessions and an exclusive newsletter packed with new writing opportunities. Whether it’s your first time writing an article or your 100th, join us.

This course has been created in collaboration with Rights for Animal Rights Advocates (RARA).

RARA is on a mission to create a more equitable movement by supporting animal welfare workers not just on issues of harassment and discrimination, but also on other labor issues such as compassion fatigue, activist burnout, PTSD, exploitation of volunteer work, staff being overworked, and underpaid, lack of basic rights such as health care, and informal and unprotected work. We are proud to be hosting this course. As illustrated by the discussions currently happening in our movement, like those listed above, as well as unionization efforts at organizations like the Animal Legal Defense Fund and labor rights.

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