Why Eating Local Isn’t a Climate Solution
It’s about what you eat, not how it got there.
Climate•7 min read
It’s about what you eat, not how it got there.
Climate•7 min read
Democrats and Republicans can't seem to agree over what belongs in the nation's leading agricultural policy.
Food•7 min read
The single dish with the highest carbon footprint is not the meat — it’s the mac n cheese.
Climate•4 min read
At least two-thirds of methane emissions come from human activity, which is both a problem and an opportunity.
Climate•6 min read
Unfortunately, many organic foods are actually less climate-friendly.
Climate•8 min read
Research suggests grass-fed meat has a higher carbon footprint.
Climate•7 min read
It’s becoming a well-known fact that beef is bad for the climate – but it’s important to understand the reasons why.
Climate•7 min read
The FAO’s food system roadmap omits the most urgent climate intervention — curbing how much meat we eat.
Climate•3 min read
Most people know beef is bad for the climate. But how does tofu compare to other plant proteins, like almonds or hemp?
Climate•10 min read
From dairy to soy to oat to almond, these are the milks with the highest and lowest carbon footprints.
Climate•8 min read
New rules aim to crack down on greenwashing, and for once meat and dairy are not exempt.
Climate•5 min read
The surprising origins of the idea that billionaire Bill Gates wants to feed you insects.
Climate•8 min read
Two thirds of meals served at COP28 were vegan or vegetarian, which could make this year’s conference a model for future climate events.
Climate•7 min read
Sustainable diets have been around for ages, but an emerging cookbook genre signals a new appetite for change.
Climate•13 min read
9 charts explain exactly how Americans consume meat.
Climate•2 min read
A new investment report finds companies like Hormel and JBS are driving global greenhouse gas emissions in the wrong direction.
Climate•4 min read
It’s time to talk about the substantial pawprint of our pets’ food.
Climate•8 min read
Even as a painful and lethal disease wipes out millions of cows and buffalo, India's dairy industry keeps pumping out more milk.
Climate•5 min read
A new study shows replacing half of the meat and milk we eat with plant-based alternatives would cut agricultural emissions by almost a third.
Climate•5 min read
Gassing America’s pigs with carbon dioxide could be the emissions equivalent of an extra 6,500 cars on the road every year. And it should be on camera.
Climate•5 min read
"Fake meat" has long been used as an insult to the alternative protein market but in reality natural meat is far worse for the planet.
Climate•9 min read
A new kind of eater — the climavore — eats foods based on their environmental footprint. But the approach has been criticized by food justice and animal advocates.
Climate•7 min read
A vicious cycle of poverty, climate change, and animal suffering makes dairy farming unsustainable.
Climate•9 min read
To help slash emissions, college students are pushing for less beef and more plants on campus.
Climate•8 min read
Researchers are clear that we can't meet our climate goals without tackling beef consumption in the U.S. Let's take a look at our progress.
Climate•3 min read
A growing number of Muslims have been working to promote "Green Ramadan" — to help celebrants reduce food waste and eat less meat.
Climate•4 min read
Almond milk has become increasingly popular over the last decade or so. More and more Americans enjoy it in recipes or their coffee, or even straight from the carton. Yet…
Climate•6 min read
California may be out of its drought but millions of thirsty animals farmed in the west are still at risk. Just how much water does a cow drink anyway?
Climate•3 min read
With over $3 billion allocated to climate-smart agriculture programs, some experts worry there's little agreement about what the term actually means.
Climate•11 min read
It all comes down to burps and land.
Climate•6 min read
Across the globe, cattle ranching is a leading cause of environmental damage, including high levels of water use, deforestation and methane emissions.
Climate•5 min read
Animal agriculture is responsible for 16.5 percent of all global greenhouse emissions.
Climate•7 min read
A recent article in Popular Science touts "sustainably-sourced seafood" without reporting on the massive damage caused by industrial fishing and aquaculture.
Climate•1 min read
One of the world's most prestigious universities made a pledge to go meat-free but the reality has been far from sustainable.
Climate•4 min read
Reducing meat consumption is one of the most meaningful ways individuals can fight climate change. Experts say dietary changes at the local level are necessary to make a meaningful impact.
Climate•6 min read
Eating less meat is the most powerful tool we have to avoid climate destruction. Here are a few tips to help you eat more sustainably.
Climate•8 min read
A new report from the Food Foundation shows that choosing plant-based foods in place of conventional meat products could have far-reaching impacts on nature.
Climate•3 min read
Scientists say dietary change is required to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Higher-income countries can maximize their impact by eating less meat.
Climate•8 min read
Animal agriculture is responsible for a large portion of global emissions. If you’re trying to lower your carbon footprint, going vegan may be the answer.
Climate•8 min read
Hundreds of students at over 20 universities across Britain are asking their administrations to stop serving animal products. How will the schools respond?
Climate•5 min read
Many of the promises made at COP26—like the pledge to end deforestation—won't be possible until we all start eating less meat.
Climate•5 min read
COP26 chose to serve attendees some of the world’s most climate-damaging foods. A closer look at the menu reveals why.
Climate•5 min read
The beef industry is trying to clean up its image by promising that it's doing more to help the climate crisis than hurt it. Science says otherwise.
Climate•4 min read
The message of the climate movement is clear: stop fossil fuel extraction and move to renewable energies. This is a great message, and a good start, but it’s not enough.
Climate•6 min read
Epicurious has stopped publishing beef recipes, citing environmental concerns. But is cutting out dishes made from one animal really enough, and could it make things worse for other animals?
Climate•5 min read
The numerous environmental benefits of eating plant-based foods have been well-documented. Animal agriculture is a primary driver behind climate change.
Climate•9 min read
Carbon labels are making it easier for consumers to choose climate-friendly foods over carbon-heavy ones. Could this inadvertently encourage people to eat less meat?
Climate•7 min read
Worldwide, roughly 70 billion animals are raised and slaughtered each year within the food system. Producing so many animals comes with a high price for us, for animals, and for…
Climate•11 min read
The future of food is unpredictable, but the prognosis isn’t all bad. People are adaptable, and change isn’t always a bad thing.
Climate•9 min read
Oat milk is on the rise, and its popularity is good news for the environment. Choosing alternative dairy products over traditional ones leads to significantly fewer emissions.
Climate•5 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.