California Poultry Processor Ordered to Pay $3.5 Million for Labor Violations
The Biden administration moves to crack down on labor law violations in the meat sector.
Policy•4 min read
The Biden administration moves to crack down on labor law violations in the meat sector.
Policy•4 min read
In this episode, Pete Paxton shares his experiences working in illegal slaughterhouses, the complex moral battles undercover investigators face, the corrupt world of puppy mills and more.
Podcast•47 min read
News reports continue to omit Dutch agribusiness interests from protest coverage.
Policy•9 min read
An expansive new report shows that cheap poultry for markets, restaurants, and pets comes at the expense of Indigenous peoples in Brazil.
Policy•3 min read
Farmers and activists have more in common than they’re willing to admit. But the longer they fight amongst each other, the stronger the industry gets.
Policy•8 min read
Employees join advocacy organizations World Animal Protection and United For Respect to sound the alarm over dangerous working conditions at the popular retail chain.
Policy•6 min read
Just transition is a framework that aims to protect frontline workers by prioritizing their needs during the transition away from an exploitative economy.
Policy•8 min read
A new Congressional report found that slaughterhouses owned by five major meatpacking companies accounted for at least 59,000 COVID-19 cases and 269 deaths.
Policy•8 min read
Workers were told their injuries were “break-in pain,” soreness that comes from adjusting to life in a meatpacking plant. But some injuries were much more severe.
Policy•17 min read
Big Meat—like Big Oil, Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma—is a ravenous machine of exploitation pursuing profits at almost any cost. It needs to be stopped.
Policy•5 min read
Despite production slowdowns due to COVID-19, the turkey industry is set to keep most of its facilities open through the holiday season, putting poultry workers and their families at risk.
Policy•8 min read
In April, despite his fever, a meatpacking worker continued to carve neck bones out of pig carcasses at a JBS plant in Iowa. Two weeks later, he would test positive…
Policy•7 min read
The story of the American food system has been whitewashed; the labor of people of color and the systemic, deeply painful injustices they face have been erased from it. Yet…
Policy•5 min read
Big Ag has historically endangered the most marginalized individuals in its quest for profit. During the pandemic, slaughterhouse workers and farmed animals have often been the first to suffer.
Policy•5 min read
Black, Latino, and Asian slaughterhouse workers suffered disproportionately as the meat industry scrambled to respond to COVID-19. Now, they're demanding justice.
Policy•6 min read
Food justice, labor, environmental, farming, and animal welfare organizations launch week of action, send letter to shareholders demanding worker protections.
Policy•4 min read
From coronavirus and E. coli, to crime, cruelty, and ecocide, the meat industry incubates a plethora of ills. Why, then, does government underwrite it with billions in subsidies?
Policy•21 min read
COVID-19 is exposing slaughterhouses as one of society’s most exploitative and unstable industries. In cramped, unsanitary conditions, workers and animals suffer endlessly.
Policy•3 min read
Slaughterhouses have always been viewed negatively because of what happens to animals behind their walls. But how workers are treated is also despicable.
Policy•7 min read
Sources inside the facility say management failed to adequately inform workers when the first COVID-19 cases broke out on the line. In fact, they did the opposite—offering workers bonuses to…
Policy•6 min read
Susana Romatz struggled to mentally cope with the demands of working on a dairy goat farm—like separating mother goats from their babies—until she said enough was enough.
Policy•7 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.