
Join Sentient Media’s Spring Donation Drive

With your help, we can continue reporting on industrial animal agriculture and its impacts.

Cows grazing in a green field

Reported Policy Reflections

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Since 2018, Sentient Media has been delivering explanatory and investigative journalism alongside critical commentary—giving a voice to those stuck within exploitative industrial systems.

Our reporting has shown that our industrial food system causes racial and economic inequalities, costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year, and is inhumane, leading to the suffering of trillions of sentient beings day after day.

Our journalism exposes wrongs, bringing them to the attention of those who can take action. We give visibility to the outsized role industrial agriculture plays in our current planetary crisis, and to those who are ensnared within a torturous system.

But we can’t do it without your help. If you find value in our reporting, please consider becoming a monthly member or making a one-time donation during our spring donation drive.

Sheep looking at camera black and white image

Sentient Media’s Impact

Sentient Media started as a newsletter, but thanks to your support and the demand for these stories, we have grown more than we could have imagined. With your support, we’re shifting narratives and creating an impact across the globe.

  • Our content has created visibility around the consequences of industrial agriculture, reaching 78 million headline views on Google in 2021.
  • We have increased mission-aligned organizations’ capacity for change by making their work more visible through extensive digital services. To date, we have worked closely with 15 high-impact organizations and trained over 100 writers in how to make their work more visible online.
  • We have educated readers across the globe, inspiring 1.4 million actions from readers in the last 12 months. Actions include signing petitions, signing up for newsletters, donating, and clicking on headlines.
  • We have provided routes to publishing and training for 550 writers in 35 countries through the Writers’ Collective, Social Media Fellowship, and Sentient Media Journalism Fund.

Each donation and membership brings us closer to our goal of putting the facts about industrial animal agriculture on the first page. Click here to support our spring donation drive.

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