Are Plant-Based Burgers Healthy?
Are plant-based burgers healthy? Debates about processed and ultra-processed foods have made this more complicated than it needs to be.
Diet•6 min read
Are plant-based burgers healthy? Debates about processed and ultra-processed foods have made this more complicated than it needs to be.
Diet•6 min read
The proposed FDA label guidance implicitly favors single "superfoods" and dairy as the nutritional gold standard over a varied plant-rich diet.
Food•5 min read
A trio of new reports — including the IPCC's latest — makes clear that food system reform is a crucial part of climate action.
Climate•4 min read
Methane stays in the atmosphere for around 12 years, which can make it a tricky gas to calculate.
Climate•4 min read
Two new reports find E.U. policies are failing to protect climate and biodiversity.
Climate•5 min read
Meat companies are greenwashing beef with a "low methane" rebrand.
Food•5 min read
Foodsharing has rescued 178 million pounds of food from landfill since 2012. Yet experts say more should be done to combat food waste on a global scale.
Climate•7 min read
News reports of a recent Cornell study got the numbers wrong — shifting to plant-based diets will not cause massive farm job losses.
Food•7 min read
Soybeans are a protein-rich legume native to East Asia and the main ingredient of many different nutritious foods.
Health•15 min read
A new study about vegetarian children led to conflicting reports from several media outlets, including EurekAlert! and the Daily Mail. What did the actual study say?
Diet•5 min read
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has caused the price of animal feed to skyrocket, intensifying food insecurity in much of the global south.
Food•5 min read
COP26 chose to serve attendees some of the world’s most climate-damaging foods. A closer look at the menu reveals why.
Climate•5 min read
New report illustrates how political inaction continues to enable the expansion of large-scale meat and dairy companies despite the sectors’ climate and health impacts.
Food•6 min read
In June, three Danish sustainability organizations filed Denmark’s first climate lawsuit against Danish Crown, accusing the meat company of greenwashing and deceptive marketing.
Climate•5 min read
A 2020 film by Greenpeace tells the story of Michel Pouret-Frydendahl and his neighbors, who live near three intensive pig farms in Denmark. No other country in the world produces…
Climate•1 min read
If you share your home with a companion animal, you might be asking, can animals catch coronavirus? Here's what you need to know to keep your pets COVID-free.
Health•8 min read
A new UN-backed report is calling for the rapid transition away from intensive animal agriculture, fearing it could lead to massive biodiversity loss and the next pandemic.
Climate•5 min read
In Denmark, a new strain of COVID-19 originally found in minks has jumped to humans and could threaten the efficacy of newly developed coronavirus vaccines.
Health•5 min read
The next big dystopian fertility story may have already been written. Around the world, cows suffer reproductive exploitation at the hands of dairy farmers.
Entertainment•11 min read
With the availability of medical masks in such short supply, respirators should be sold only to truly “essential” industries—which excludes factory farming.
Health•7 min read
Coverage of the Krefeld Zoo fire was so one-sided that it is possible to believe only eight apes died. But the fire killed more than 40 other animals that the…
Entertainment•7 min read
The farmed animal protection movement could define the 2020s. This is your chance to stand against animal cruelty and environmental destruction by choosing to eat only plants.
Health•8 min read
Cooking for family and friends is traditionally viewed as a feminine duty. Longtime vegan Caroline Beret explains how she's removing some of that stress by choosing pre-made plant-based alternatives instead.
Health•6 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.