How Wildfires Affect Animals, Explained
A look at the impact of fires in California, and beyond.
Climate•7 min read
A look at the impact of fires in California, and beyond.
Climate•7 min read
A mix of reasons — avian flu, inflation and shifting demand are all partly to blame.
Food•7 min read
Fact Check
RFK could make accessing raw milk easier — at the cost of public health.
Mythbusting•7 min read
Mushrooms, bison and foraged plants are a critical mix of new and old food traditions.
Climate•8 min read
An interview with Delci Winders, director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute at Vermont Law and Graduate School.
Policy•14 min read
Sticking points to significant reform, explained.
Climate•4 min read
How the language we use to talk about food justice matters.
Food•6 min read
A Black podiatrist gets creative in a bid to make his community healthier.
Health•8 min read
How Jack in the Box and Wingstop agreed to their first climate goals.
Climate•4 min read
Activists got a slaughterhouse moratorium on Denver’s ballot — but what are its chances?
Election 2024•7 min read
What local activists can take from their example.
Food•5 min read
Why focusing on zoning regulations and inclusivity is a path forward for activists.
Food•6 min read
A volunteer-led non-profit hopes to overcome financial and language barriers to better support workers.
Food•9 min read
Four communities found solutions for the slaughterhouses in their neighborhoods.
Food•1 min read
An interview with former Senate Agriculture Committee Chief Counsel Jonathan Coppess.
Election 2024•16 min read
Inside the growing movement to frame climate action as Marxist and anti-God.
Law & Justice•5 min read
The two-year call to action finally persuaded the company to come to the table.
Justice•5 min read
A new law would allow the livestock industry to fast-track federal review of feed additives.
Law & Justice•4 min read
An email from Interior Secretary Deb Haaland about park officer uniforms did not quell the controversy completely.
Justice•7 min read
The practice is opposed by most veterinarians — so why does it continue?
Policy•9 min read
Lawmakers overrode the governor’s veto in order to ban drone investigations in the state.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Shinkei blends new technology with Japanese tradition in hopes of sparing fish a painful death.
Aquaculture•6 min read
Inside the crocodile farming industry’s dark calculations.
Investigations•6 min read
Land grant universities whose research supports the beef industry are funded in part by land stolen from Indigenous tribes.
Food•8 min read
A new report documents the banking industry’s investments in the meat and dairy industry, and its climate pollution.
Climate•5 min read
In North Carolina, Sampson County residents and environmental groups are working together to measure air pollution from the meat industry.
Climate•6 min read
We sat down with Viveca Morris and Jennifer Jacquet to discuss their research into the money flowing to academics from the livestock industry.
Climate•11 min read
Cattle ranching contributes to the dangerous conditions making wildfires like Smokehouse Creek far more likely.
Climate•4 min read
Undercover footage shows the fast food chain violating its own pledge to only slaughter animals who have been stunned.
Food•4 min read
A proposed state law would help the state tighten its control over pollution from factory farms.
Climate•7 min read
An industry-funded startup is the first ever carbon marketplace to give climate credit to a mega-dairy.
Climate•6 min read
The way we produce meat and dairy is responsible for all sorts of damage, and taxpayers end up footing the bill.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Despite more humane alternatives, the poultry industry continues to use ventilation shutdown to cull millions of birds in the cruelest ways.
Health•4 min read
The Biden administration moves to crack down on labor law violations in the meat sector.
Policy•4 min read
Despite the rise of plant-based products, meat consumption in the U.S. remains much higher than most places in the world.
Diet•10 min read
The last year saw policy fights play out on both the state and national level.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Up to 80 percent of BIPOC students are unable to digest dairy, but schools are still not required to provide alternatives.
Law & Justice•3 min read
Humans who eat seafood are also eating their own waste.
Climate•8 min read
After eight weeks, jurors found Wayne Hsiung guilty of one felony and two misdemeanor charges.
Law & Justice•4 min read
A new study published in BMC Medicine finds even small plant-based swaps can lower risk of heart disease and death.
Health•3 min read
New study highlights the outsized impact of swapping out a third of all meat with plant-based alternatives.
Climate•3 min read
Residents that live near industrial dairies find brown drinking water flowing from the tap.
Climate•4 min read
Pumpkins in parks and your backyard could be doing more harm than good.
Climate•3 min read
Some farmers are transitioning from factory farms to plant-based businesses — with the hope of changing more than the food system.
Food•5 min read
A new investigation documents what happens to hens once they’re no longer laying eggs, even the cage-free ones.
Investigations•4 min read
The researchers recognized farm animals as “sentient,” naming them "key stakeholders" in a just transition.
Climate•5 min read
Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is now at a six-year low, but factory farming continues to drive destruction.
Climate•10 min read
A new report tracks progress among global brands pledging to source cage-free eggs.
Food•5 min read
Young activists are fighting back against government policies to serve only cow’s milk in public schools when only a fraction of the population can digest it.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Fighting industrial meat and dairy conglomerates requires cooperation and a belief in the possibility of food justice.
Law & Justice•3 min read
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