These Flu Shots Are Better for Animals and Just as Effective, Researchers Say
More than 80 percent of flu vaccines rely on chickens confined in secret FDA facilities. But there are alternatives.
Health•6 min read
More than 80 percent of flu vaccines rely on chickens confined in secret FDA facilities. But there are alternatives.
Health•6 min read
“We’re in an apocalyptic phase for animals in CAFOs.”
Climate•7 min read
“Animal caregivers tend to want to help others but not always themselves."
Policy•6 min read
Research shows that Gen Z is shifting to plant-based diets faster than older generations to avoid climate disaster. Will it be enough?
Health•7 min read
New technology is making farmers' lives easier, but the increased efficiency they bring often comes at the cost of farmed animals.
Food•6 min read
Two-thirds of the population is lactose intolerant. So why don’t school lunch programs offer plant-based milk? The answer is more complicated than you’d think.
Health•9 min read
In advance of COP26, we compiled a list of climate actions that governments around the world can take to protect the planet from the disastrous impacts of animal agriculture.
Climate•6 min read
No-kill sounds like a worthy goal for animal shelters, but it doesn’t come without controversy. Learn what no-kill means, why some are against it, and what you can do to…
Policy•8 min read
Epicurious has stopped publishing beef recipes, citing environmental concerns. But is cutting out dishes made from one animal really enough, and could it make things worse for other animals?
Climate•5 min read
Wasted food is a serious problem, especially in America where landfills are overflowing with rotting food. Among that waste, especially on the consumer front? Animals.
Food•7 min read
Carbon labels are making it easier for consumers to choose climate-friendly foods over carbon-heavy ones. Could this inadvertently encourage people to eat less meat?
Climate•7 min read
If cats and dogs were a country, they would be the fifth-largest meat consumer in the world, according to PLOS One. Could cultured meat help the pet food industry clean…
Food•7 min read
If the profession continues to turn a blind eye to the suffering of factory-farmed animals, "the public will wonder if they can trust veterinarians anymore."
Policy•11 min read
Surprisingly, many animal sanctuaries and shelters still serve meat at fundraisers and other functions. But in the wake of the pandemic, their menus are becoming more aligned with their missions.
Policy•10 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.