
Urgent Need for Reporting on COVID-19

With the world hitting refresh on news feeds and going into lockdown, Sentient Media’s work is needed now more than ever.

wet market animal
Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals

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What do outbreaks like swine flu, SARS, and COVID-19 have in common? They are diseases spread to humans by the captivity, slaughter, and consumption of animals.

We understand this link as a movement, but media outlets continuously overlook and underreport the real reason we are in the midst of a global pandemic. When outlets do report on animals, they blame the victims Instead of the real culprit: human-caused animal exploitation.

Help us share the facts during these uncertain times


Our species cannot survive if we continue exploiting our planet and nonhuman animals. If global food systems do not evolve, future outbreaks are not only probable, but inevitable. Your donation will help us break through the media bias and report on the true cause of this global pandemic.

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