Here’s What Happens Behind Closed Doors at an Intensive Goat Dairy
A new undercover investigation by Animal Justice Project shows how goats are treated on a large dairy farm.
Food•5 min read
A new undercover investigation by Animal Justice Project shows how goats are treated on a large dairy farm.
Food•5 min read
Human-wildlife conflict is on the rise. Drones offer us a kinder future for wildlife management, one that protects both people and animals.
Climate•5 min read
“We are calling upon the [UK] government to ban this cruel industry,” said one campaigner. “There is no place in Britain or anywhere else for it.”
Food•5 min read
Farmers say they’re not to blame for the abuse of medically important drugs in animal agriculture. The problem, as they see it, is much more complicated.
Food•6 min read
This holiday season, thousands of captive reindeer will be put on display and used as props in Christmas parades around the world. Advocates say that needs to change.
Science•6 min read
At a small, family-run dairy farm near Bath, England, cows are suffering. You wouldn't know that by looking at the label, though. In fact, you might think the opposite.
Food•6 min read
Between 2015 and 2020, financial institutions gave over $478 billion to meat and dairy corporations around the world, largely without scrutiny.
Food•5 min read
A shortage of butchers in the UK has left slaughterhouses operating at decreased capacity, forcing many farmers to kill their pigs themselves.
Food•5 min read
CAFOs are industrial facilities where thousands of farmed animals are densely packed in sheds and feedlots. They're one of the best examples of how broken our food systems really are.
Food•10 min read
With the much-anticipated Summit underway, the UN now faces the difficult task of reconciling its support for the meat and dairy industry with its own development goals.
Climate•5 min read
We claim to love our furry friends, yet we manipulate their bodies to meet our criteria of what is “cute” or desirable, often at great cost to their health and…
Policy•6 min read
The Farm Transparency Project just released footage from four intensive crocodile farms in Australia, exposing one of the darkest corners of the fashion industry.
Investigations•5 min read
More than a century has passed since Upton Sinclair’s tell-all novel, The Jungle, sparked public outrage at the corruption of the meatpacking industry. Not much has changed.
Food•9 min read
Small, family-run abattoirs have been described as ‘cornerstones' of sustainable meat production but a new investigation from the UK nonprofit Animal Justice Project paints a different picture.
Policy•7 min read
Rabbit is often celebrated as the "most sustainable" meat, but it emits more carbon per kilogram than both chicken and pork and causes millions of animals to suffer.
Food•6 min read
An Animal Equality investigation released last week filmed "unacceptable" conditions at a "high welfare" pig farm in the UK. The pigs were found living in filth and many were seen…
Food•5 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.