To Improve Fish Welfare, a Startup Blends AI With an Ancient Japanese Fishing Method
Shinkei blends new technology with Japanese tradition in hopes of sparing fish a painful death.
Aquaculture•6 min read
Shinkei blends new technology with Japanese tradition in hopes of sparing fish a painful death.
Aquaculture•6 min read
A new investigation reveals fish cut open while still conscious.
Aquaculture•4 min read
I hopped aboard a tuna tour to investigate what it takes to confine these majestic apex predators.
Aquaculture•10 min read
The salmon industry plans to pack fish into land-locked tanks, at a massive energy and water cost.
Aquaculture•6 min read
A major seafood company is still moving ahead with its Canary Islands octopus farming operation despite ethical objections from researchers.
Aquaculture•10 min read
Much of the farmed shrimp eaten in the U.S. is raised in India, where antibiotic use is rampant and underreported.
Aquaculture•5 min read
Touring a caviar farm gives a rare glimpse into the life of a captive sturgeon.
Aquaculture•5 min read
Oyster farming produces few greenhouse gas emissions but that doesn't mean it's good for the planet.
Aquaculture•7 min read
In 2015, more than 100 million metric tons of fish were produced from aquaculture operations.
Aquaculture•7 min read
Fish and other marine life are farmed in the billions, in the water-based equivalent of factory farming seen on land.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Communities around the world have raised and captured shrimp for centuries. Recent decades and growing demand have given rise to intensive shrimp farming.
Aquaculture•8 min read
70 percent of the world's salmon comes from farmed fish operations.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Mariculture refers to the farming of fish, plants and other animals in salt water for human consumption.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Wild octopus populations are declining due to overfishing. But instead of addressing the problem, companies are spending millions on octopus farms.
Aquaculture•6 min read
More fish are now raised on farms than are caught in the wild, making fish farmers an integral part of the seafood industry. However, they face a number of environmental…
Aquaculture•10 min read
Atlantic Sapphire, one of the largest fish farming companies in the world, is under fire after 800,000 fish died at its Florida facility. The company could face criminal charges.
Aquaculture•5 min read
Fish farming was supposed to be the industry's saving grace, but instead of taking pressure off wild populations, it just caused more destruction. Would farming shellfish be more sustainable?
Aquaculture•6 min read
The push to expand fish farms is spurring a fiery debate, prompting calls from the U.S.-based commercial fishing industry for more support while drawing skepticism and critique from many marine…
Aquaculture•7 min read
Fish receive fewer legal protections than almost any other animal and are confined with even less understanding of their individual needs.
Aquaculture•5 min read
A new investigation from Viva! brings us deep inside the lives of farmed fish, who suffer from overcrowding and pain on a daily basis.
Aquaculture•6 min read
Fish farming was supposed to be a more sustainable way to meet the global demand for seafood. But as aquaculture gains in popularity, so does its environmental impact.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Today, more fish are raised on farms than caught in the wild. Trump wants to keep it that way, so he's ordering Congress to lift environmental regulations on new offshore…
Aquaculture•4 min read
Trump recently signed an order to deregulate and greenlight new industrial fish farms. But virtually no thought has been given to those most impacted by these operations: the fish themselves.
Aquaculture•4 min read
Proponents of octopus farming argue that the industry will relieve pressure on wild species. But the practice has dangerous consequences on animal welfare.
Aquaculture•9 min read
Groundbreaking undercover investigation of salmon aquaculture exposes cruel, filthy practices of the industrial fish farming industry.
Aquaculture•6 min read
Like their terrestrial counterparts, industrialized fish farms may be with us for some time as demand for protein outpaces production and alternatives are developed. But there’s no reason to open…
Aquaculture•5 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.