How Wildfires Affect Animals, Explained
A look at the impact of fires in California, and beyond.
Climate•7 min read
A look at the impact of fires in California, and beyond.
Climate•7 min read
The once-treacherous Snoqualmie Pass is now safer for both wild animals and drivers.
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Deforestation, commercial fishing and climate change threaten these endangered animals.
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As wind energy develops in the Atlantic Ocean, researchers are working together to protect wildlife.
Climate•10 min read
A quarter of marine life depends on coral reefs. So do 1 billion people.
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The livestock industry wants to control wolf predators by hunting them, but science suggests the tactic doesn’t pan out.
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Climate change is decimating natural snow and, in turn, changing the habitats near ski resorts.
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While the health impacts of toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, or PFAS, are well known in humans, a new study reports how they affect a wide range of wildlife species.
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We’re nearing or have already arrived at the 6th Great Extinction — only this time, the crisis is manmade.
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Abandoned traps catch roughly 3.3 million crabs each year, on top of decimating seagrasses, coral and endangered whales.
Climate•4 min read
Ranchers are paid up to $15,000 per dead cow, and the state is authorized to kill wolves if wild prey numbers dip below a set threshold.
Climate•6 min read
Scientists warn the Willow Project not only damages the atmosphere but also threatens vulnerable wildlife — here are 7 examples.
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Gray wolves, elephants, wildebeests and sea otters are a few of the species that can help sequester carbon and mitigate global warming.
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Experts warn the Florida manatee is at risk of mass starvation as farm pollution continues to wipe out their primary food source.
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A bounty of much-needed new federal funds will help reconnect habit for freshwater and terrestrial animals.
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Researchers call this effect "weather whiplash" but say sanctuaries and sustainable land strategies could help.
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We know there were animals during Earth’s chilliest era. The question is, what did they look like?
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At COP15, world governments are at a crossroads.
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Over 1.5 million cattle graze on public lands to the detriment of biodiversity — wiping out native wildlife and destabilizing ecosystems.
Climate•12 min read
Grouse hunting kills hundreds of thousands of animals each year in the U.K. and releases 260,000 tons of carbon.
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In the wild, dolphins spend their lives surrounded by other dolphins. But in captivity, life looks very different, and their health often suffers as a result.
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The illicit trade in wild birds, particularly scarlet macaws and yellow-naped parrots, has put many native species at risk of extinction.
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The climate and biodiversity crises are equally important and entirely interconnected. But experts say the media isn't giving biodiversity the attention it deserves.
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Human-wildlife conflict is on the rise. Drones offer us a kinder future for wildlife management, one that protects both people and animals.
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All of life is interconnected, and a food web is one way to show how important each plant, animal, fungus, and bacteria is to habitats around the world.
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For years, Scottish farmers saw the native beaver population as a menace. They learned it’s much easier to work with nature’s problem solvers than against them.
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New report released by the Aquatic Life Institute underscores the importance of aquatic animal welfare in achieving global sustainable development goals.
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A new report highlights the importance of confronting climate change and biodiversity loss together. Solutions that take both issues into account have the best chance of success.
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The sale of wildlife for human consumption was made illegal in most of China following the outbreak of COVID-19, but thanks to loopholes in the legislation, the wildlife trade is…
Climate•9 min read
Environmental officials in Australia are manipulating population data and using COVID-19 scare campaigns to eradicate the Heritage Brumby population. Can they be stopped?
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COVID-19 did not originate in humans, nor is it infecting just our species. The virus further jeopardizes great apes while continuing to wreak havoc in our own societies.
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Palm oil has revolutionized the way we produce a variety of foods and cosmetics. But most people are unaware of how destructive this "magical ingredient" is to the natural environment.
Climate•10 min read
The Australia bushfires killed an estimated 1.25 billion wild animals. Emergency-preparedness plans still often ignore the needs of wildlife populations during and after natural disasters.
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Peter Hylands reports from Australia, where the killing of kangaroos is commonplace and the population estimates and hunting permits just don't seem to match.
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Under the false pretense of conservation, wildlife departments routinely disregard the need to protect all animal life by permitting hunters to kill any animal they define as “pests.”
Climate•4 min read
Africa receives 200 times more development aid than it does for its protected wildlife populations. Maintaining healthy ecosystems for animals also protects the watershed and promotes carbon storage too. All…
Climate•2 min read
It's getting so hot out that Africa could lose up to 50% of its bird and mammal populations by the end of the century. Species loss in the Americas could…
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Wildlife Alliance/Flickr Journalist Rachel Love Nuwer reports from the front lines of the cruel trade of the world’s most exotic creatures in Poached: Inside the Dark World of Wildlife Trafficking…
Climate•1 min read
Tell me about the last raven you saw. How close did you get? How much did you really see? In The Ravenmaster: My Life with the Ravens in the Tower…
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6,000 wild buffalo, horses, donkeys, and pigs were culled from Kakadu National Park, Australia in 24 days—in the name of wildlife conversation. They're not the only ones trying to protect…
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First, Toronto residents were afraid raccoon-proofing trash cans would starve out the raccoons. True, only 24 raccoon-related complaints came from nearly half a million new, locking trash cans. But that…
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One-third of the oceans and land need to be protected by 2030 to avoid an extinction crisis. Barely 15% of land and less than 4% of the oceans are protected…
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Let’s talk about sloths. Lucy Cooke founded the Sloth Appreciation Society with one thought in mind: Being fast is overrated. Her book The Truth About Animals: Stoned Sloths, Lovelorn Hippos,…
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If seawater temperatures in Iceland increase by just one degree, which it has since the last cold cycle between 1965-1995, the ability of each species to survive the winter changes,…
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During Wyoming's first legal wolf hunting season in 50 years, it cost just $12 to tag a wolf. Today, the wolf roams wild and (not-so) free in Nate Blakeslee’s American…
Climate•1 min read
Many of us are afraid of bees, but they help to shape our natural world.
Climate•1 min read
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