Plans to End Male Chick Culling Stall in U.S.
Egg producer Kipster is still moving forward with in-ovo sexing technology.
Science•5 min read
Egg producer Kipster is still moving forward with in-ovo sexing technology.
Science•5 min read
New research proves that large datasets used to train AI models are particularly biased against farm animals.
Science•6 min read
The meat industry breeds chickens to grow as fast as possible. Here’s how they do it.
Science•7 min read
How Biocraft is attempting to improve pet food by making it allergen-free and healthier for animals — not to mention, far more ethical.
Science•8 min read
More than 150 companies are growing meat from fish or animal cells. Yet some critics still deride cultivated proteins as "lab-grown meat." Why?
Science•12 min read
The U.S. uses around 1 billion pounds of conventional pesticides each year to control weeds, insects and other crop-damaging invaders. Pesticides are crucial for protecting crops but can also be…
Science•9 min read
At least 10 percent of households no longer have their pandemic pets. In the future, digital pets could be an alternative.
Science•5 min read
Cultivated meat is attracting a lot of new attention. But experts question whether the new technology will truly make our food systems more sustainable.
Science•3 min read
Women-led food tech startups are changing the fabric of the food tech industry, which they say has been dominated by "bro culture" for too long.
Science•6 min read
New systems are changing what we eat, how it is made, and who makes it. These changes could expand access to high-quality food while reducing environmental impacts.
Science•1 min read
Food tech startups reportedly received more than $39 billion in new funding in 2021. Food delivery companies and online grocers led the way.
Science•10 min read
This holiday season, thousands of captive reindeer will be put on display and used as props in Christmas parades around the world. Advocates say that needs to change.
Science•6 min read
Jim Mellon's new book, Moo's Law, helps readers understand the quickly evolving investment landscape in cultivated and plant-based proteins.
Science•1 min read
The food industry will need every tool in the toolkit at its disposal to feed 10 billion people by 2050. Animal farming is not one of them, but these slaughter-free…
Science•5 min read
With remote sensors that optimize water use and crop genetics that selects for heartier grains, the global agricultural industry is using technology to meet the demands of a growing population.
Science•5 min read
Clara Foods plans to bring the world's first vegan egg white to market in the next year, addressing the massive unmet consumer demand for animal-free products.
Science•5 min read
Motif just received $90 million in Series A funding from the likes of Viking Global Investors, Breakthrough Energy Ventures— which includes Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson—agricultural goods titan…
Science•5 min read
This year’s big ask from alternative meat maker Impossible Foods? Cheat on beef. On Monday, the new Impossible Burger 2.0 made its debut at CES 2019.
Science•6 min read
We’re pushing farmed animals to their limits of productivity, breeding chickens to grow fatter, cows to produce more milk, beef cattle to grow more muscle; all to the detriment of…
Science•18 min read
The plant- and cell-based meat market will be worth $10 billion when it gets to 13% of the market, a market share equivalent to that of the plant-based milk market…
Science•5 min read
Current investors in Beyond Meat include Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack and Suzy Welch, Kleiner Perkins, and Tyson Foods.
Science•5 min read
The best reason to choose plant-based protein is that it’s a cruelty-free source of something you need.
Science•15 min read
Cargill's latest investments in robotics is a three-wheeled corralling robot that cost $40,000, which the company says reduces the stress of cattle. The company, very strangely, calls the robot an…
Science•5 min read
One of the big challenges for cell-based meat is to match the nutritional value of real meat. The simple solution is to add supplements to replace the nutrients missing from…
Science•2 min read
Beyond Meat According to a source close to the company, Beyond Meat is almost ready for their IPO. This could represent the first public stock offering from one of many…
Science•1 min read
The Good Food Conference in Berkeley, organized by the industry powerhouse Good Food Institute, gathered hundreds of entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, media and other industry people into the packed two-day event.
Science•2 min read
The FDA has no questions that the Impossible Burger is safe to eat. The meatless burger company responded to environmentalist groups sceptical of the meat’s genetically engineered additives with a…
Science•1 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.