The Friendliest, Most Gentle Animals Are Also Some of the Most Exploited
It’s a cruel logic that results in the most affectionate creatures being punished the most, but sadly, that’s how it’s often turned out.
Animal Behavior•8 min read
It’s a cruel logic that results in the most affectionate creatures being punished the most, but sadly, that’s how it’s often turned out.
Animal Behavior•8 min read
As America’s appetite for chicken increases, so too do the negative effects of poultry farms.
Food•7 min read
If you want proof the animal kingdom is queer, kinky and gender-bending, look no further.
Research•6 min read
If you don’t want to accidentally consume horse, check out this list.
Diet•7 min read
From methane masks to lemongrass, how do the many efforts to make sustainable beef compare to just eating a little less?
Climate•1 min read
A primer on the what, whys and hows of veganism.
Diet•10 min read
The answer depends on your age and situation, but in general, most people are worried about the wrong nutrient.
Diet•10 min read
You probably knew chickens in battery cages are crammed in tight — but did you know about the neverending light and reproductive control?
Food•11 min read
The plant-based milk might be more environmentally friendly than dairy — but that doesn’t make it automatically ethical.
Food•8 min read
Students of color are likely to be lactose intolerant — yet dairy-free options in schools are still the exception to the rule.
Nutrition•11 min read
Why eating chicken is not necessarily more ethical than eating beef.
Food•2 min read
Afro-Veganism, otherwise known as Black Veganism, is growing. Here’s how the movement is connecting people to their roots.
Food•7 min read
Here’s what you need to know about the pork industry in the United States.
Food•7 min read
A plant-based diet isn’t the same thing as being vegan. Here’s how it differs.
Health•10 min read
On a per capita basis, mangroves capture four times more carbon than the Amazon.
Climate•8 min read
It’s a question people love to throw at vegans and vegetarians — so here’s a thorough explanation.
Science•6 min read
Lula is much, much better for the environment. But can he reverse Bolsonaro’s damage?
Climate•9 min read
Most people know beef is bad for the climate. But how does tofu compare to other plant proteins, like almonds or hemp?
Climate•10 min read
The way we produce meat and dairy is responsible for all sorts of damage, and taxpayers end up footing the bill.
Law & Justice•6 min read
From dairy to soy to oat to almond, these are the milks with the highest and lowest carbon footprints.
Climate•8 min read
It might be a faraway scenario — but it’s one worth examining.
Food•10 min read
More humane and effective techniques abound, but many brands remain stuck in arcane ways.
Health•9 min read
The most common questions about cultivated meat, answered in plain English.
Food•11 min read
The year ahead brings new legal challenges for animals and the advocates working to protect them.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Consumers should be wary of “antibiotic-free” claims on meat.
Health•8 min read
The new ingredient is gaining in popularity — which is bad news for animal welfare.
Health•6 min read
The research that fish feel pain, explained.
Science•9 min read
When it comes to cows’ feelings and preferences, humans can find plenty to relate to.
Science•9 min read
The surprising origins of the idea that billionaire Bill Gates wants to feed you insects.
Climate•8 min read
How one switch addresses both personal and environmental health.
Diet•6 min read
Despite the rise of plant-based products, meat consumption in the U.S. remains much higher than most places in the world.
Diet•10 min read
The sentience of lobsters is being recognized by scientists — with ramifications for the culinary industry.
Science•8 min read
The last year saw policy fights play out on both the state and national level.
Law & Justice•4 min read
The climate crisis can feel overwhelming. Here are 18 science-backed actions you can take to make a difference.
Climate•9 min read
Humans who eat seafood are also eating their own waste.
Climate•8 min read
Demand for cruelty-free leather alternatives are on the rise, along with a growing interest in materials that are better for the planet.
Climate•6 min read
From plant-based eggnog to recycled wrapping paper, here are the best ways to curb your environmental impact.
Climate•5 min read
Commercial fishing decimates coral reefs and endangered species alike — but can it be stopped?
Climate•9 min read
Contrary to stereotypes, the science proves chickens are intelligent animals who suffer.
Science•10 min read
The Act is turning 50 this year — but how successful has it been at protecting endangered species?
Climate•10 min read
The impact of climate change — from floods and drought to extreme heat and cold — is ravaging farms across the world.
Diet•13 min read
The record for the oldest living cow might surprise you.
Research•9 min read
The food justice movement seeks to create a fair and sustainable food system.
Food•9 min read
9 charts explain exactly how Americans consume meat.
Climate•2 min read
Plant-based meat comes in many forms, some healthier than others.
Food•8 min read
Despite the seafood industry’s claims, eating fish may not be as healthy or sustainable as consumers have been led to believe.
Diet•11 min read
The real facts about this American tradition might surprise you.
Health•4 min read
Derived from boiled pig and cow tissue and bones, gelatin is an ingredient in some, but not all, Halloween candy.
Health•3 min read
How commercial fishing is destroying ecosystems around the world.
Climate•11 min read
Magpies hold funerals and elephants travel to pay their respects.
Science•7 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.