The Open Rescue Movement for Farm Animals, Explained
The tactic of rescuing injured farm animals has helped animal rights activists win more court cases and nab the media spotlight.
Food•8 min read
The tactic of rescuing injured farm animals has helped animal rights activists win more court cases and nab the media spotlight.
Food•8 min read
The meat industry breeds chickens to grow as fast as possible. Here’s how they do it.
Science•7 min read
Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is now at a six-year low, but factory farming continues to drive destruction.
Climate•10 min read
Everything you ever wanted to know about intensive agriculture, and the efforts to make it more sustainable.
Food•13 min read
Animal testing is an outdated method of testing the safety of cosmetics. While many companies still rely on it, consumers are demanding cruelty-free alternatives.
Animal Testing•10 min read
It’s time to talk about the substantial pawprint of our pets’ food.
Climate•8 min read
Pigs suffer a bad reputation — but science shows they are smart, caring and even clean.
Science•10 min read
Monoculture impacts our food system and environment — but most people have only a vague idea what it entails.
Food•10 min read
Ranging from huge to tiny, some of the smartest animals fly under the radar.
Science•13 min read
Contrary to popular belief, the pet food industry is not its own, separate part of the supply chain. It relies on leftover meat produced for human consumption.
Health•8 min read
There are many types of intelligence in the animal kingdom, but human bias might mean we underestimate just how smart many animals are.
Science•6 min read
Despite the massive amount of public and private funding flowing into regenerative agriculture, research shows it doesn't live up to the climate hype.
Food•14 min read
The term means different things to different people, but here’s what you need to know.
Science•8 min read
Here’s what you need to know about the dog meat industry, and the western hypocrisies about eating animals it reveals.
Law & Justice•10 min read
Despite decreasing demand for whale meat and dwindling populations, the hunt for whales continues.
Climate•10 min read
Farm sanctuaries provide a second chance for animals used for food. Here’s what you need to know about these safe havens, and how to help them.
Policy•8 min read
A new ruling threatens the power of one of the most important environmental laws in the United States.
Health•9 min read
We’re nearing or have already arrived at the 6th Great Extinction — only this time, the crisis is manmade.
Climate•9 min read
Commercial fishing threatens marine life — and it seems orcas are trying to do something about it.
Climate•5 min read
Farm subsidies make meat and dairy much cheaper – but fruits and vegetables? Not so much. Here’s why.
Law & Justice•11 min read
Debates about the ethics of zoos abound — but when it comes to animal welfare, there are certainly more cons than pros.
Entertainment•11 min read
Why it’s crucial we protect these extremely helpful insects — and what’s at stake if we fail to do so.
Climate•6 min read
California’s Prop 12 faced industry opposition because it has huge implications for animal welfare. Now that it’s been upheld by the Supreme Court, here’s what’s next.
Law & Justice•11 min read
One ‘solution’ employed for overheated animals on factory farms? Mass suffocation.
Climate•8 min read
The plant-based food industry has exploded in recent years, with plant-based meats igniting the conversation about the future of food.
Food•10 min read
Like many other forms of agriculture, sheep farming has become increasingly industrialized. Here’s what you need to know.
Food•10 min read
A series of seemingly coordinated attacks against fishing vessels has the public paying attention to orcas. Here’s what you need to know about this remarkable species.
Science•8 min read
Why are so many animals left out of the Animal Welfare Act? We explain the history of the law, and its shortcomings.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Animal welfare advocates and animal rights groups are sometimes at odds. In this explainer, we dig into where the two approaches diverge.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Wagyu beef is one of the most expensive — and consistently mislabeled — foods on the market. In this explainer, we look into what the "wagyu" label means for the cows.
Food•5 min read
Ultra-processed foods are designed to be addictively delicious. Just how unhealthy are they and what are the processed foods to avoid? We explain.
Health•8 min read
Right to farm laws are increasingly used to protect industrial meat operations from answering for their air and water pollution.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Research shows honeybees can do math. Meanwhile some ants are building massive underground fungi farms.
Science•5 min read
"Fake meat" has long been used as an insult to the alternative protein market but in reality natural meat is far worse for the planet.
Climate•9 min read
More than 150 companies are growing meat from fish or animal cells. Yet some critics still deride cultivated proteins as "lab-grown meat." Why?
Science•12 min read
A growing number of companies are marketing meat and dairy as 'humanely raised'. We take a closer look at the reality behind the label.
Diet•7 min read
Over 34 million people in the U.S. suffer from hunger. One effort to address food insecurity is through SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program.
Health•7 min read
A new kind of eater — the climavore — eats foods based on their environmental footprint. But the approach has been criticized by food justice and animal advocates.
Climate•7 min read
There are 11 nonessential amino acids that are absolutely critical for your body.
Health•4 min read
The farm bill is a collection of laws that governs our food system, including subsidies and federal nutrition benefits known as SNAP.
Law & Justice•7 min read
Is there a link between dairy and cancer risk? The evidence isn't conclusive but we took a closer look at what we do know in this explainer.
Health•7 min read
Food labels are confusing. Our guide will help you tell the difference between useful information and meaningless junk.
Health•8 min read
There are nine essential amino acids that your body can get from a variety of foods, including plant-based sources like nuts.
Health•9 min read
Protein is an essential part of any heathy diet but it's possible to get all that you need from a healthy variety of plant-based sources.
Health•10 min read
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ensures the country's food, medical and cosmetic products are safe.
Food•9 min read
The global dairy industry produces nearly 550 million metric tons of cow’s milk each year. But which products are dairy and how are they made?
Diet•11 min read
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has many responsibilities, including oversight of the food system and rural development.
Food•7 min read
Gestation crates are one of the most controversial aspects of pork production. But what are they, and why does the industry say they're necessary?
Food•7 min read
The egg industry continues to cull billions of male chicks worldwide each year — despite legal and scientific progress to curb the practice.
Food•8 min read
Researchers are clear that we can't meet our climate goals without tackling beef consumption in the U.S. Let's take a look at our progress.
Climate•3 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.