Meat Industry Lobbyists Exposed for Trying to Derail Animal Welfare Legislation
These tactics are just the latest in a long line of campaigns to delay food system change.
Food•4 min read
These tactics are just the latest in a long line of campaigns to delay food system change.
Food•4 min read
Some farmers are transitioning from factory farms to plant-based businesses — with the hope of changing more than the food system.
Food•5 min read
A new investigation documents what happens to hens once they’re no longer laying eggs, even the cage-free ones.
Investigations•4 min read
The promise of eternal health and beauty comes at a steep price for animals, people and the environment.
Health•7 min read
The researchers recognized farm animals as “sentient,” naming them "key stakeholders" in a just transition.
Climate•5 min read
Three charts document the lawmakers taking a position on the controversial EATS Act, and the votes still up for grabs.
Law & Justice•2 min read
Open farm days are curated to show the public only what the meat industry wants you to see.
Food•8 min read
A new report tracks progress among global brands pledging to source cage-free eggs.
Food•5 min read
Young activists are fighting back against government policies to serve only cow’s milk in public schools when only a fraction of the population can digest it.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Even as a painful and lethal disease wipes out millions of cows and buffalo, India's dairy industry keeps pumping out more milk.
Climate•5 min read
While the health impacts of toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, or PFAS, are well known in humans, a new study reports how they affect a wide range of wildlife species.
Climate•8 min read
The Inflation Reduction Act was supposed to reduce emissions from food. Here's where the money went, and why some say the bill falls short.
Climate•7 min read
Debunking the key concepts the world’s largest food and farming companies will be using to sway debates at the climate summit.
Climate•16 min read
Fighting industrial meat and dairy conglomerates requires cooperation and a belief in the possibility of food justice.
Law & Justice•3 min read
The genetic link between orcas and cows might surprise you.
Science•4 min read
Understanding the science behind “lab-grown” food might help with acceptance.
Diet•5 min read
It’s the latest tactic to downplay meat’s climate impact
Climate•3 min read
An intrepid group of entrepreneurs and researchers in India are taking wasted materials and turning them into vegan leather.
Food•5 min read
Defendants face jail time for removing 70 birds from factory farms and providing them with medical care.
Law & Justice•5 min read
A new report finds investigations at an all-time low at a time when farm workers, including children, are perhaps more vulnerable than ever.
Food•4 min read
A new study shows replacing half of the meat and milk we eat with plant-based alternatives would cut agricultural emissions by almost a third.
Climate•5 min read
The Texas law could force plant-based companies to spend millions in redesign expenses and still end up afoul of the vague requirements.
Law & Justice•4 min read
A new four-part series on Netflix explores the secrets of centenarians around the world, including how they eat.
Health•3 min read
Iceland's government has declined to ban whaling, putting it at odds with advocates and public opinion.
Climate•5 min read
Gassing America’s pigs with carbon dioxide could be the emissions equivalent of an extra 6,500 cars on the road every year. And it should be on camera.
Climate•5 min read
The dairy industry has been fighting plant-based alternatives for a long time — but historically, it hasn’t exactly worked.
Food•10 min read
A new investigation from Animal Justice Project reveals trampled and rotting hens on a farm that supplies eggs to the grocery giant Lidl.
Food•4 min read
A new coalition has asked state officials to investigate the notorious Hawaii octopus farm and terminate its lease at a state-run research park.
Investigations•8 min read
New research suggests plant-based burgers need to be more than tasty, cheap and convenient.
Research•9 min read
Before the oldest orca in captivity died earlier this month, advocates and researchers argued over the plan for her release.
Entertainment•8 min read
This summer a Tribal ceremony celebrated the return of sacred fish, lost for generations.
Climate•8 min read
A family in Guatemala chose to keep llamas rather than sell them for meat. Two decades later, they teach tourists how to be more sustainable.
Climate•6 min read
According to a 20-year study in Nature, reefs closer to pollution fared worse in recovering from damage caused by climate change.
Climate•4 min read
More than 40 million people depend on this vital U.S. waterway.
Climate•4 min read
By weeding out "undesirable" personality traits, farmers could create vast herds of animals with emotions ideal for factory farm life, and death.
Research•8 min read
How Biocraft is attempting to improve pet food by making it allergen-free and healthier for animals — not to mention, far more ethical.
Science•8 min read
A Harvard researcher tested a field of hypothetical candidates and found talking about animal welfare could actually boost voter support.
Research•5 min read
An outbreak is killing pigs around the world, and would likely spread quickly in the United States.
Food•7 min read
Over 90 percent of food harvested from marine and freshwater environments is at risk, challenging the idea that “blue food” is more sustainable.
Climate•5 min read
Milk made with precision fermentation could take up to 33 percent of the dairy industry’s market share.
Health•6 min read
Heard of plant-based defaults? It's a simple idea that could be a major help in the fight against climate change.
Climate•5 min read
From dwindling fish to decimated communities in the Global South, nothing about the growing demand for seafood is sustainable.
Climate•5 min read
Female horses are drained of blood to provide a hormone used in pork production worldwide.
Food•6 min read
A new investigation documents abuse and a 30 hour journey with no food or water.
Food•7 min read
The "sick bird markets" of Indonesia hold answers for our future with bird flu, a growing body of research suggests.
Research•6 min read
Michele Waldman realized she couldn’t save all the farm animals. But each cow, pig and hen at Rosie’s Farm Sanctuary serves as an ambassador on behalf of the billions.
Policy•7 min read
Abandoned traps catch roughly 3.3 million crabs each year, on top of decimating seagrasses, coral and endangered whales.
Climate•4 min read
A new study says lab grown meat is worse for the planet than beef, but what do the numbers actually say?
Climate•5 min read
A coalition of lawmakers are backing the EATS Act in hopes of gutting the Supreme Court's decision upholding the welfare provisions of California's Prop 12.
Food•6 min read
As cultivated meat clears U.S. approval for sales, Omeat launches with a new strategy to ditch the controversial fetal bovine serum.
Food•8 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.