Fact Check
Fact-Check: Backyard Chickens Aren’t Safe From Bird Flu
Raising backyard chickens isn’t as simple as it sounds.
Food•7 min read
Fact Check
Raising backyard chickens isn’t as simple as it sounds.
Food•7 min read
More than a dozen recently fired USDA employees told Investigate Midwest the terminations have stalled conservation projects.
Food•9 min read
The rise of the carnivore diet, and the search for simplicity.
Food•9 min read
An idea for prisoner cooperatives at San Quentin offers a more humane alternative.
Food•9 min read
Favorite stories from 2024 and reader predictions for 2025.
Food•3 min read
How the language we use to talk about food justice matters.
Food•6 min read
Activists got a slaughterhouse moratorium on Denver’s ballot — but what are its chances?
Election 2024•7 min read
What local activists can take from their example.
Food•5 min read
Why focusing on zoning regulations and inclusivity is a path forward for activists.
Food•6 min read
Four communities found solutions for the slaughterhouses in their neighborhoods.
Food•1 min read
The global movement is against factory farming — and is also against one of its potential solutions.
Food•7 min read
CSAs offer some food system benefits — but are they practical and accessible?
Food•8 min read
‘Organic’ is better for animals — but not necessarily more environmentally friendly or healthy.
Food•7 min read
A growing number of backyard farmers confess they have no idea what they’re doing.
Food•6 min read
One popular defense of a meat-heavy diet is the “crop death” argument, but does the evidence actually stack up?
Food•6 min read
In cities like Tucson, Arizona, neighbors are planting trees to provide shade — and food.
Food•7 min read
Our most-read stories and biggest shout-outs from the year
Food•1 min read
A new Dutch public-private partnership brings together cultivated meat companies with farmers.
Food•8 min read
The food justice movement seeks to create a fair and sustainable food system.
Food•9 min read
Monoculture impacts our food system and environment — but most people have only a vague idea what it entails.
Food•10 min read
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ensures the country's food, medical and cosmetic products are safe.
Food•9 min read
Often called Navajo, the Diné people were best known for herding sheep. Yet this Indigenous tribe originally ate a plant-rich diet of crops like beans, corn and squash.
Food•7 min read
Food systems refer to different ways societies organize the production and distribution of food. While some types put a strain on the planet, others have a smaller impact.
Food•8 min read
Each year, over a trillion insects are farmed for human consumption.
Food•10 min read
What does ChatGPT think about factory farming?
Food•21 min read
Top posts from 2022 and more.
Food•7 min read
The global commercial fishing industry is valued at $150 billion per year. Here's why it's wrecking the planet.
Food•12 min read
Exploiting wild fisheries for animal feed disturbs marine ecosystems, drives food insecurity and supplies an industry responsible for massive environmental pollution.
Food•7 min read
Finland's Meeat Food Tech is accelerating food system change by converting existing meat facilities into plant-based protein factories.
Food•9 min read
A new undercover investigation by Animal Justice Project shows how goats are treated on a large dairy farm.
Food•5 min read
In this episode, Vox staff writer Kenny Torrella discusses celebrity fails, when plant-based food tastes bad, and what a perfect future might look like.
Food•43 min read
British supermarkets are pouring millions of pounds into the UK’s beleaguered pig farming sector. Experts fear it may only make the problem worse.
Food•6 min read
A new national strategy hopes to modernize the UK's food system by encouraging animal farmers to transition to more sustainable farming methods.
Food•5 min read
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has caused the price of animal feed to skyrocket, intensifying food insecurity in much of the global south.
Food•5 min read
Meat, dairy, and eggs are woven into the fabric of American life and have been for as long as most will remember. But that, too, can change.
Food•8 min read
Sen. Cory Booker wants to end the uncontrolled expansion of factory farming in the U.S., and he's looking to the climate movement for help.
Food•2 min read
Alberto Garzón recently called out his nation’s factory farming industry for being unsustainable. The criticisms were long overdue.
Food•3 min read
It's almost impossible to keep a factory farm free of disease. Culling doesn't always work. Antibiotics have their own host of problems, and vaccines do too.
Food•4 min read
For years, a dangerous salmonella strain has sickened thousands and continues to spread through the chicken industry. The USDA knows about it. So do the companies. And yet, contaminated meat…
Food•41 min read
To feed the world, food production simply has to change, and the growing climate crisis is making this change far more urgent.
Food•1 min read
The meat industry is controlled by a few deeply connected corporations that wreak havoc on the planet and exploit workers and marginalized communities without consequence.
Food•2 min read
Given the many negative impacts that industrial agriculture has on the environment, health, and animal welfare, its place in society is coming into question.
Food•10 min read
Our current food system is fueled by factory farming. That needs to change—and fast—if we are going to feed 10 billion people by 2050.
Food•12 min read
A battle for the future of food is underway. The UN is facing heavy criticism over its corporate ties and lack of inclusivity ahead of the Food Systems Summit later…
Food•11 min read
Berkeley recently became the first city in California to urge the state's $444-billion pension fund to divest from the factory farming industry. Will San Francisco and Los Angeles follow suit?
Food•4 min read
Mars gives us a chance to start over and leave many of Earth's worst practices behind. While it sounds far-fetched, life on the red planet will almost certainly be free…
Food•5 min read
You can walk into a McDonald’s anywhere in the U.S. and buy a burger for $1. The plant-based alternative is far more expensive. Have you ever stopped to wonder why?
Food•6 min read
If we want to build a healthier, greener, kinder, more sustainable future that gets us closer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we must follow a new path.
Food•12 min read
Sentient Media sat down with Jian Yi, founder of the Good Food Fund, a Chinese food sustainability and health NGO that promotes a plant-based diet.
Food•30 min read
Researchers made a “Google Maps” for global food systems. Could it help us tackle food’s thorniest problems?
Food•6 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.