Industry-Backed Emissions Metric Could ‘Completely Derail’ Climate Action, Campaigners Warn
Critics say the controversial GWP* method – which New Zealand appears close to adopting – is “open to significant abuse.”
Climate•7 min read
Critics say the controversial GWP* method – which New Zealand appears close to adopting – is “open to significant abuse.”
Climate•7 min read
How Jack in the Box and Wingstop agreed to their first climate goals.
Climate•4 min read
‘Protein splits’ appear to be working — but is there hope the trend could spread to the U.S.?
Climate•8 min read
The meat industry is playing with the metrics that measure methane to make climate claims that don't add up.
Climate•11 min read
A new report documents the banking industry’s investments in the meat and dairy industry, and its climate pollution.
Climate•5 min read
From methane masks to lemongrass, how do the many efforts to make sustainable beef compare to just eating a little less?
Climate•1 min read
A new report suggests the government might be funding the wrong solution.
Climate•8 min read
An industry-funded startup is the first ever carbon marketplace to give climate credit to a mega-dairy.
Climate•6 min read
Demand for cruelty-free leather alternatives are on the rise, along with a growing interest in materials that are better for the planet.
Climate•6 min read
The investigation reveals evidence of government willingness to accept an alternative accounting method that is the darling of the meat and dairy industry.
Climate•6 min read
Debunking the key concepts the world’s largest food and farming companies will be using to sway debates at the climate summit.
Climate•16 min read
It’s the latest tactic to downplay meat’s climate impact
Climate•3 min read
More than 40 million people depend on this vital U.S. waterway.
Climate•4 min read
The requirement to disclose scope 3 emissions — from the cows, not just the kitchen — is what's rankling the food and agriculture industry.
Climate•6 min read
A new report uncovers global climate investors looking to boost industrial pork and poultry.
Climate•6 min read
Milk and meat brands are turning to climate labels like "carbon neutral" and "net zero" to boost sales. But what do these terms actually mean?
Climate•8 min read
Experts worry the pledge to slash methane encourages "unproven techno-fixes" over systemic solutions.
Climate•6 min read
New research shows Rabobank provided global meat and dairy corporations with billions in financing.
Climate•5 min read
Methane stays in the atmosphere for around 12 years, which can make it a tricky gas to calculate.
Climate•4 min read
Marketed to consumers as "sustainable," this "climate-beneficial" wool is polluting the land and killing wildlife.
Climate•8 min read
Despite what you may have read in a few viral Twitter threads, animal leather is not more sustainable than vegan leather.
Climate•7 min read
The global dairy industry is responsible for rising rates of water and air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and degraded farmland.
Climate•7 min read
“We’re in an apocalyptic phase for animals in CAFOs.”
Climate•7 min read
Intensive farming may have made cashmere more affordable, but overgrazing has also led to widespread environmental damage and animal suffering.
Climate•8 min read
Officials say fires burning in the Amazon and Cerrado to clear land for soybean production—the primary ingredient in animal feed—have reached an all-time high.
Climate•4 min read
For years, fish farming was championed as a sustainable alternative to overfishing. But many advocates worry it has unseen consequences.
Climate•9 min read
A new investigation finds that deforestation of the Amazon for soy farming has continued despite a moratorium. Big meat and dairy companies are largely to blame.
Climate•3 min read
From an early age, we’re taught that milk is essential to our growth and development. What we’re not taught is where that milk comes from.
Climate•2 min read
A new report from Collective Fashion Justice and the Center for Biological Diversity explores the wool industry’s "shear destruction" of indigenous plant and animal life.
Climate•5 min read
Animal agriculture is one of the leading sources of methane emissions, but world leaders have a bad habit of downplaying its impact or ignoring it entirely.
Climate•4 min read
The service offers companies “robust certification” capable of demonstrating that their net-zero target will reduce emissions at the pace and scale required to keep global warming to 1.5°C.
Climate•3 min read
Animal agriculture generates massive amounts of greenhouse gases, despite the industry's recent efforts to clean up its act.
Climate•2 min read
The fires in Brazil are part of a global problem, one which highlights the direct link between deforestation and loss of ecosystems with dietary choices made thousands of miles away.
Climate•10 min read
Factory farming is part of a global food system that prioritizes cheap food at the expense of animal welfare, society, and the environment.
Climate•9 min read
The conditions in which cows are farmed are detrimental to the air, water, habitat, and soil. Experts say the industry has been slow to adapt.
Climate•8 min read
Potty training cows to curb emissions seems like a harmless idea, but it's no silver bullet. In fact, it does more to distract from the problem than solve it.
Climate•4 min read
The environmental impact of animal agriculture is hard to ignore. “Eating Our Way To Extinction,” a new documentary narrated by Kate Winslet, shows us why.
Climate•5 min read
The last thing we needed was Big Oil and Big Ag on the same team. Now, they've joined forces in a dangerous attempt to greenwash the factory farming industry.
Climate•3 min read
McDonald's has around 1,300 restaurants in the UK alone, serving three million beef patties to 3.5 million customers daily. Unfortunately, it's showing no signs of slowing down.
Climate•9 min read
In June, three Danish sustainability organizations filed Denmark’s first climate lawsuit against Danish Crown, accusing the meat company of greenwashing and deceptive marketing.
Climate•5 min read
Factory farming is trying to clean up its act by turning methane emissions into biogas. But the promise of sustainability could be doing more harm than good.
Climate•7 min read
A surprisingly large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions comes from the food we feed farmed animals. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Climate•5 min read
Move over, fossil fuels. The meat and dairy industries have a much bigger part to play in the climate crisis than most people are willing to admit.
Climate•2 min read
We’ve long counted on climate groups to model what a sustainable future looks like—one where single-use plastics are rare and electric cars are business as usual. But what about the…
Climate•4 min read
JBS, the largest meat company on the planet, recently committed to achieving zero deforestation across its global supply chain by 2035. Critics say by then it may be too late.
Climate•5 min read
Despite the industry's best efforts to hide behind labels that make chicken farming appear more eco-friendly, it still has devastating consequences for animals and the environment.
Climate•17 min read
As transformative and applicable as biochar may be, it will have little effect on the overall sustainability of our food system if agricultural practices otherwise remain the same.
Climate•8 min read
Deforestation is a global problem. If it increases the risk of disease, which we now know it does, then the prognosis is more economic catastrophe.
Climate•6 min read
Follow along as climate researchers debunk another industry-backed study bragging about the perceived benefits of regenerative agriculture.
Climate•29 min read
Variations on a meme claiming that 100 companies are responsible for 71 percent of greenhouse gas emissions have become ubiquitous on the internet. The problem is, they may not be…
Climate•5 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.