VIDEO: Inside an Italian Pig Slaughterhouse
New footage from Animal Equality shows the disturbing reality inside an Italian pig slaughterhouse. The violence is savage, but not outside the norm.
Food•2 min read
New footage from Animal Equality shows the disturbing reality inside an Italian pig slaughterhouse. The violence is savage, but not outside the norm.
Food•2 min read
Following an expose published by Open Cages, Ukrainian poultry company MHP will cease production at Ukraine's only foie gras farm.
Investigations•3 min read
Activist Cassie King is currently facing seven felonies for helping animals trapped in factory farms. But the charges are not stopping her.
Investigations•2 min read
The term "organic" may make the consumer think the milk came from a happy cow, but Animal Recovery Mission’s latest investigation proves no dairy is cruelty-free.
Food•6 min read
Animal Equality reveals shocking scenes of animal abuse and neglect at Summit Calf Ranch in Nebraska, a facility housing 11,000 calves and owned by Tuls Dairy.
Food•3 min read
There is a reason why the animal agriculture industry fights to keep its practices hidden. What happens to animals in the food system is fundamentally wrong--and needs to be seen.
Food•6 min read
A whistleblower offered the first hidden-camera look inside a lamb slaughterhouse in the U.S. Now, the Department of Justice is stepping in. That's how bad it was, yet it is…
Food•14 min read
Torturous labor conditions and systemic animal abuse are well hidden by the industry. That is until investigators show up. The undercover investigators at factory farms are risking everything to show…
Food•7 min read
More than 1,000 mother pigs were found suffering miserable lives in crates at one of British Columbia’s largest pig farms. PETA’s investigation spurred direct action by hundreds of activists over…
Food•1 min read
“The needless violence inflicted upon these animals needs to stop. This facility is not unique in their horrendous treatment of animals. This is a standard representation of factory farming here…
Investigations•3 min read
There is so much suffering hiding behind the walls of a factory farm. The Cow with Ear Tag #1389 reminds us that there are animals in there, too.
Investigations•5 min read
Since July, a campaign showing the suffering of factory farmed McDonald's chickens displayed on a video board in Time Square. More than a million people passed by the animal welfare…
Investigations•1 min read
California's darling burger chain In-N-Out and the wholesale retailer Costco are supplied, in part, by Northern California Ray-Mar Farms and Harris Ranch, whose cruel mistreatment of animals was just exposed…
Food•2 min read
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