13 Groups Sued EPA Demanding Stricter CAFO Regulation — the Court Struck Them Down
The Ninth Circuit backed EPA’s response to polluted water: 'study further' and form a subcommittee.
Law & Justice•8 min read
The Ninth Circuit backed EPA’s response to polluted water: 'study further' and form a subcommittee.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Inside the growing movement to frame climate action as Marxist and anti-God.
Law & Justice•5 min read
How food is politicized in a culture known for its cuisine.
Law & Justice•8 min read
A recent investigation finds the FBI considering ‘weapons of mass destruction statutes’ against activists.
Law & Justice•6 min read
The state’s biggest business lobby helps two residents challenge a Polk County town’s restrictions on livestock feeding operations.
Law & Justice•5 min read
An imperfect but important ranking system, explained.
Law & Justice•7 min read
A big question, answered briefly.
Law & Justice•11 min read
A new Supreme Court ruling effectively guts the regulatory power of federal agencies.
Law & Justice•6 min read
A new law would allow the livestock industry to fast-track federal review of feed additives.
Law & Justice•4 min read
A new report argues for a massive federal investment in food system innovation.
Law & Justice•5 min read
How they differ — and what’s at stake — explained.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Lawmakers overrode the governor’s veto in order to ban drone investigations in the state.
Law & Justice•4 min read
What you need to know about how these laws seek to censure whistleblowers.
Law & Justice•11 min read
Ending the Chevron doctrine could be devastating for farm animals and wildlife.
Law & Justice•7 min read
The way we produce meat and dairy is responsible for all sorts of damage, and taxpayers end up footing the bill.
Law & Justice•6 min read
The new language would block states from regulating animal welfare on factory farms.
Law & Justice•8 min read
The year ahead brings new legal challenges for animals and the advocates working to protect them.
Law & Justice•8 min read
The last year saw policy fights play out on both the state and national level.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Up to 80 percent of BIPOC students are unable to digest dairy, but schools are still not required to provide alternatives.
Law & Justice•3 min read
After eight weeks, jurors found Wayne Hsiung guilty of one felony and two misdemeanor charges.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Courts continue to see factory farm investigations as protected free speech.
Law & Justice•4 min read
The seemingly humane tradition, which can be traced back to meat lobbyists, correlates with a rise in turkey consumption.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Three charts document the lawmakers taking a position on the controversial EATS Act, and the votes still up for grabs.
Law & Justice•2 min read
Young activists are fighting back against government policies to serve only cow’s milk in public schools when only a fraction of the population can digest it.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Fighting industrial meat and dairy conglomerates requires cooperation and a belief in the possibility of food justice.
Law & Justice•3 min read
Defendants face jail time for removing 70 birds from factory farms and providing them with medical care.
Law & Justice•5 min read
The Texas law could force plant-based companies to spend millions in redesign expenses and still end up afoul of the vague requirements.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Here’s what you need to know about the dog meat industry, and the western hypocrisies about eating animals it reveals.
Law & Justice•10 min read
Farm subsidies make meat and dairy much cheaper – but fruits and vegetables? Not so much. Here’s why.
Law & Justice•11 min read
The new bill represents the single biggest challenge to animal welfare laws, but food safety and honey bee protections are also at risk.
Law & Justice•10 min read
California’s Prop 12 faced industry opposition because it has huge implications for animal welfare. Now that it’s been upheld by the Supreme Court, here’s what’s next.
Law & Justice•11 min read
Why are so many animals left out of the Animal Welfare Act? We explain the history of the law, and its shortcomings.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Animal welfare advocates and animal rights groups are sometimes at odds. In this explainer, we dig into where the two approaches diverge.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Right to farm laws are increasingly used to protect industrial meat operations from answering for their air and water pollution.
Law & Justice•4 min read
The farm bill is a collection of laws that governs our food system, including subsidies and federal nutrition benefits known as SNAP.
Law & Justice•7 min read
A growing number of students are fighting back against the government's milk mandate.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Big Ag has demanded billions of federal dollars to reduce its water usage.
Law & Justice•6 min read
In a 5-4 majority opinion, the Court upheld the rights of California voters to require pork sold in the state meet animal welfare requirements.
Law & Justice•8 min read
The Honorable Murray Sinclair worked to pass The Jane Goodall Act, which would turn Indigenous teachings on animals and wildlife into law.
Law & Justice•6 min read
A new research project illuminates the connection between prisons and meat processors, and how both benefit from incarcerated labor.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Public opinion polls find strong levels of support for animal welfare laws aimed at improving the treatment of farm animals.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Campaigners say the U.K.'s Genetic Technology Bill doesn't do enough to protect farm animals.
Law & Justice•6 min read
The Smithfield and Excelsior trials ended with very different decisions that could impact the future of the movement.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Earlier this week, animal protection groups filed briefs in support of Proposition 12, California's landmark animal protection law.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Iowa residents once had a right to sue polluting factory farm neighbors, Now the Iowa Supreme Court has taken that right away.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Happy the Elephant's case shows how animal exploitation industries obstruct legal progress.
Law & Justice•5 min read
While Happy remains behind bars, the elephant's legal team says the case represents a paradigm shift in the way humans grant legal rights to animals.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Weathers is running for State Representative in the city of Stowe, Vermont, where he says "the status quo isn't working" anymore.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Newcomer to the animal protection scene Australian Alliance for Animals sets out to fix the country’s "broken" animal welfare regulatory systems.
Law & Justice•6 min read
“This bill could help usher in a new generation of African American farmers,” a Black producer said. “But, if it fails, it’s gonna continue to dwindle.”
Law & Justice•8 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.