What Farm Sanctuaries Do, and How to Support Them
Farm sanctuaries provide a second chance for animals used for food. Here’s what you need to know about these safe havens, and how to help them.
Policy•8 min read
Farm sanctuaries provide a second chance for animals used for food. Here’s what you need to know about these safe havens, and how to help them.
Policy•8 min read
Michele Waldman realized she couldn’t save all the farm animals. But each cow, pig and hen at Rosie’s Farm Sanctuary serves as an ambassador on behalf of the billions.
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A farm sanctuary in Turkey rescued animals during the earthquake, and supported their humans too.
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The microsanctuary movement gives rescuers with limited resources a way to do the work.
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Animal advocates are working with farmers and communities to get the last of the bile bears released to sanctuaries.
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“Animal caregivers tend to want to help others but not always themselves."
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The Latinx-led Chicago Roo Crew rescues roosters and works with the communities who keep and protect them.
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Are sanctuary owners obligated to nearby cattle farms? A recent case sparked outrage among animal rights activists and farmers.
Policy•10 min read
An animal sanctuary is a facility where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives.
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A new paper finds businesses that exploit captive animals for profit are marketing themselves as sanctuaries to draw in conscious consumers.
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"Meeting a cow or a sheep is just like meeting a new person...They may not be human, but you hear their stories and know they have the ability to suffer…
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In 2021, a pregnant pig named Matilda escaped from a farm in England. Sentient Media spoke with the independent filmmaker who decided to turn her story into a film.
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Despite their public profile soaring in the last three years, pangolins, dubbed “the world’s most trafficked mammal,” still face an uphill battle for survival.
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Millions of lives have been impacted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, now in its second month. Animals, too, face the devastating impacts of the violence.
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The war impacts millions of lives, including the animals and advocates in Ukraine committed to protecting them. Here's what you can do to help.
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Catskill Animal Sanctuary co-founder Kathy Stevens and author of “Where the Blind Horse Sings” explains why animal sanctuaries have the power to change lives.
Podcast•33 min read
Human-animal co-existence models an approach to care and empathy that could help guide us toward a more resilient future.
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Animal rescue is a social service that helps protect animals from dangerous situations that often involve cruelty and abuse. Find out how you can get involved.
Policy•11 min read
More than 600 farmed animals have been evacuated to three different shelters outside of the Caldor fire zone. That number is expected to grow, as teams work to bring every…
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Writer Jessica Scott-Reid has a message for 4-H children everywhere who dutifully raise farmed animals only to watch them sold off to the highest bidder: There is another option.
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Join us as we visit Sweet Farm, an animal sanctuary located in Half Moon Bay, California, that is home to over 100 rescued animals.
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Sanctuaries are implementing pen-pal programs in which children write letters to rescued farmed animals and—with the help of sanctuary workers—receive “replies” from the animals.
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Unique connections are made at farmed animal sanctuaries, and a new study shows that they have the power to inspire real change in their visitors.
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Farmed animals' access to proper medical care is often limited by their status as “food animals," leaving sanctuary owners with few options for treatment.
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Petting farms—like petting zoos for farmed animals—perpetuate unrealistic ideas of animal farming, broadening the disconnect between the baby animals we love and the butchered animals we eat.
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The farm planned to "depopulate" more than 100,000 chickens, so rescuers chartered two planes to fly a group of hens from the Iowa farm to a sanctuary in Grass Valley,…
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Pregnant animals sent to slaughter, and their young, usually die anonymously. Only a miraculous few are rescued and brought to sanctuaries where humans can learn their stories.
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A handful of farms across North America are blurring ethical lines by incorporating rescued farm animals into plant production. Is this the solution to our broken food system, or part…
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Chickens are social animals–until we take their freedom away. They form groups, make friends, and help each other grow. Meet Hens of the Hills microsanctuary founder, Deirdre Duhan, and see…
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Many humans assume that sharing a home with a cute baby monkey will be endlessly fun. But in practice, owning an exotic animal proves detrimental for both the "pet" and…
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After nearly 35 years of animal advocacy, Farm Sanctuary co-founder Gene Baur is doubling down on his commitment to inspire and empower advocates wherever they are in their journeys.
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If you have ever walked through your local animal shelter, you have seen the devastation animals are facing every day. But despite where they come from, these animals open their…
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Despite the atrocities birds face in foie gras facilities, Farm Sanctuary is able to provide intensive care to these animals and give them the life they deserve.
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When will innocent lives matter more than human greed and pleasure?
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Farmers joining hands with so-called animal rights extremists could signal a change to the direct action model, one that hopefully takes place without the law having to get involved. Let’s…
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.