How Do You Make Leather From Mushrooms?
Leather made from mushrooms is a cruelty-free and environmentally friendly alternative to animal hides, including cow and lamb.
Food•7 min read
Leather made from mushrooms is a cruelty-free and environmentally friendly alternative to animal hides, including cow and lamb.
Food•7 min read
What is a feedlot? These large fenced-off areas of land house thousands of cattle as they gain weight before slaughter. But how do they work?
Food•7 min read
Almond milk has become increasingly popular over the last decade or so. More and more Americans enjoy it in recipes or their coffee, or even straight from the carton. Yet…
Climate•6 min read
California may be out of its drought but millions of thirsty animals farmed in the west are still at risk. Just how much water does a cow drink anyway?
Climate•3 min read
The U.S. uses around 1 billion pounds of conventional pesticides each year to control weeds, insects and other crop-damaging invaders. Pesticides are crucial for protecting crops but can also be…
Science•9 min read
Consumers want to know the difference between grass-fed vs. grass-finished but research shows all beef is bad for the planet.
Food•7 min read
A major seafood company is still moving ahead with its Canary Islands octopus farming operation despite ethical objections from researchers.
Aquaculture•10 min read
With over $3 billion allocated to climate-smart agriculture programs, some experts worry there's little agreement about what the term actually means.
Climate•11 min read
Sustainable agriculture prioritizes natural resources and healthy soils but because the label is not well-regulated, any farm can call itself "sustainable."
Food•10 min read
Agroecology relies on traditional Indigenous farming knowledge to make farming more sustainable.
Food•6 min read
61 percent of U.S. voters support a ban on fur farming — yet the $22 billion industry is still legal in the U.S. and much of the rest of the…
Food•12 min read
Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health threat responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide. A leading driver of this crisis? Antibiotic use on factory farms.
Health•8 min read
Goat milk has become increasingly popular, yet most consumers are unaware of the environmental and animal welfare impacts of dairy goat production.
Food•5 min read
The poultry industry uses the term "broiler chickens" to describe birds farmed for meat. But where exactly does the term come from?
Food•9 min read
You might think "free-range" meat comes from happy animals but in reality, the label is no guarantee the farm meets any animal welfare standards.
Food•7 min read
In animal agriculture, grazing is the practice of allowing animals to roam across land. Grazing allows animals to behave naturally but it also comes with many environmental downsides.
Food•8 min read
What makes a food "organic"? One survey found only 20 percent of respondents knew the answer.
Food•9 min read
Food systems refer to different ways societies organize the production and distribution of food. While some types put a strain on the planet, others have a smaller impact.
Food•8 min read
Public opinion polls find strong levels of support for animal welfare laws aimed at improving the treatment of farm animals.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Almost 300 million cattle were slaughtered globally in 2020, despite research suggesting cows are capable of feeling pain and distress.
Food•8 min read
It all comes down to burps and land.
Climate•6 min read
Across the globe, cattle ranching is a leading cause of environmental damage, including high levels of water use, deforestation and methane emissions.
Climate•5 min read
Around 100 million sharks are killed each year across the globe, often for their fins and cartilage.
Climate•7 min read
Though public opinion polls suggest most people do not support use of animals for circus entertainment, the practice continues unabated.
Entertainment•9 min read
In this course, you’ll learn everything from how to create a personal brand on social media to how to use platforms to create change in the animal protection movement.
Policy•2 min read
Methane stays in the atmosphere for around 12 years, which can make it a tricky gas to calculate.
Climate•4 min read
The carnivore diet has taken the world by storm. But what is this diet and is it healthy?
Diet•8 min read
U.S. cattle feedlots house over 13 million cattle annually, maximizing growth before slaughter.
Food•9 min read
More than 21,000 factory farms raise and slaughter billions of livestock animals each year in the U.S.
Food•4 min read
Each year, over a trillion insects are farmed for human consumption.
Food•10 min read
Here are 12 of the most effective ways to fix climate change. Everyone can help.
Climate•6 min read
Methane is responsible for 30 percent of global warming since pre-industrial times. Emissions sources include natural gas, landfills and cattle farming.
Climate•9 min read
Want to follow a sustainable diet? These 4 organizations each have their own definition, yet they all point towards eating more plants and less meat.
Diet•5 min read
Dairy farming is the practice of raising animals such as cows, goats and buffalo to produce milk for human consumption.
Food•8 min read
Vaccines, medications and cosmetics rely on animal testing even though the process is cruel, unreliable and often inaccurate.
Animal Testing•10 min read
If you're looking to try a vegan diet, read this guide first.
Health•14 min read
Over the last few centuries, human activity has caused land use change on an unnatural scale.
Climate•8 min read
In this explainer, we answer the question what is veal?
Food•11 min read
Speciesism is the idea that only humans are worthy of moral consideration.
Science•9 min read
A breakdown of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by state, sector, year and type of gas.
Climate•9 min read
Oyster farming produces few greenhouse gas emissions but that doesn't mean it's good for the planet.
Aquaculture•7 min read
In 2015, more than 100 million metric tons of fish were produced from aquaculture operations.
Aquaculture•7 min read
Fish and other marine life are farmed in the billions, in the water-based equivalent of factory farming seen on land.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Communities around the world have raised and captured shrimp for centuries. Recent decades and growing demand have given rise to intensive shrimp farming.
Aquaculture•8 min read
70 percent of the world's salmon comes from farmed fish operations.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Mariculture refers to the farming of fish, plants and other animals in salt water for human consumption.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Animal agriculture is responsible for 16.5 percent of all global greenhouse emissions.
Climate•7 min read
The global commercial fishing industry is valued at $150 billion per year. Here's why it's wrecking the planet.
Food•12 min read
The vast majority of farmed animals are raised on crowded factory farms that cause climate emissions and environmental pollution.
Food•11 min read
The amount of turkey meat consumed has increased 104 percent since 1970 — virtually all sourced from animals raised on factory farms.
Food•8 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.