Will Trump’s Diminished Data Sharing at CDC Hamper Bird Flu Preparedness?
In the U.S., bird flu is spreading rapidly on poultry and dairy farms—and data censorship could pose risks to combating it, experts say.
Health•7 min read
In the U.S., bird flu is spreading rapidly on poultry and dairy farms—and data censorship could pose risks to combating it, experts say.
Health•7 min read
Fact Check
His takes on food and medicine are anything but scientifically reliable.
Health•8 min read
With human infections of avian flu present in the U.S., workers remain most vulnerable to the virus.
Health•6 min read
Human cases remain rare but the risk of an outbreak could change at any time.
Health•2 min read
Avian flu poses an increasing risk to humans. Here's what we know, and a link to all of our coverage.
Health•2 min read
States with confirmed dairy cattle bird flu cases have drastically different personal protective equipment responses.
Health•11 min read
CDC recommends consumers avoid dairy and poultry farms, and drinking raw milk.
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Onions are at the center of a nationwide outbreak — but the source comes back to beef.
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How bird flu puts vulnerable workers at even greater risk.
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A brief explainer of the risks of avian flu for humans.
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Cows in Texas, Kansas and New Mexico have tested positive for bird flu.
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Despite more humane alternatives, the poultry industry continues to use ventilation shutdown to cull millions of birds in the cruelest ways.
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Consumers should be wary of “antibiotic-free” claims on meat.
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The meat industry’s routine use of antimicrobials is making humans more vulnerable to disease and death.
Health•6 min read
A new ruling threatens the power of one of the most important environmental laws in the United States.
Health•9 min read
Most human cases of swine flu are found at agricultural fairs but there are other disease hotspots to consider, like factory farms.
Health•5 min read
Workers and residents say companies have downplayed avian flu, burning and burying culled birds just outside of town.
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Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health threat responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide. A leading driver of this crisis? Antibiotic use on factory farms.
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New research finds significantly higher levels of PFAS in locally caught freshwater fish than store-bought fish.
Health•3 min read
Domestic chicken-keeping surged in popularity during lockdown. Then avian flu happened.
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Pandemic risk is on the rise, but researchers know the cause and how to reduce the risk.
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More than 80 percent of flu vaccines rely on chickens confined in secret FDA facilities. But there are alternatives.
Health•6 min read
The connection between factory farms and zoonotic diseases is well-established. But new research shows that less-intensive farming styles also come with their own risks.
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A new documentary film by BAFTA-award-winning director Alex Lockwood explores the underreported connections between animal farming and human disease.
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Doctors confirmed that a four-year-old child in the country’s Henan province has been infected with the illness. Millions of birds are already suffering.
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A new investigation reveals that companies routinely exceed level of bacteria allowed by USDA—and do not have to recall their products.
Health•18 min read
The threat of antibiotic resistance looms large for veterinarians. We spoke with infectious disease specialist and veterinarian Dr. J. Scott Weese to understand why.
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A new study published in The Lancet found that 1.2 million people died from antibiotic-resistant infections in 2019. Experts fear this is just the beginning.
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Efforts to decolonize forest protection have been stalling for years. COVID-19 might give the movement the urgency it needs.
Health•1 min read
The widespread use of antibiotics on factory farms is exposing everyone who lives within a 3-mile radius to significant health risks. Low-income people of color are often the most affected.
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Activists, disease specialists, and environmentalists are making the connection between the way we eat and the risk it poses to public health. Sometimes it feels like they're the only ones.
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If you share your home with a companion animal, you might be asking, can animals catch coronavirus? Here's what you need to know to keep your pets COVID-free.
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Can humans become hosts and infect animals with COVID-19? To answer that question, you need to understand where the novel coronavirus came from.
Health•6 min read
As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, a parallel scenario is unfolding in the avian world. Outbreaks of avian flu have been detected on poultry farms from the…
Health•6 min read
Many Americans are quick to blame the pandemic on China’s eating habits while ignoring the issues with their own food system.
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Factory farming poses a serious pandemic risk, which begs the question: Did animal agriculture cause COVID-19?
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Advocates are asking the United Nations to consider the role of animals in their COVID-19 recovery policies. They fear the return to 'business as usual' could lead to another deadly…
Health•6 min read
Factory farms are filthy and unnatural, housing tens of thousands of animals at a time. These conditions increase the spread of zoonotic diseases from animals to human beings.
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In Denmark, a new strain of COVID-19 originally found in minks has jumped to humans and could threaten the efficacy of newly developed coronavirus vaccines.
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A new ruling by the Dutch government will close all mink farms in the Netherlands by March 2021 in response to burgeoning coronavirus cases.
Health•4 min read
Industrial animal agriculture is exacerbating the risks of zoonotic diseases. Are elected officials ready to dismantle the system that got us into this mess?
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The mini-documentary chronicles pigs’ harrowing 700-mile journey across the American southwest, exposing widespread corporate misconduct that threatens public health.
Health•3 min read
Wet markets can be places of profound animal suffering, out of which arise life-threatening diseases like the novel coronavirus. And they exist all over the world.
Health•13 min read
Plant-based campaigners Million Dollar Vegan explain the fundamental changes necessary to avoid the next pandemic. Experts warn that if we don’t act now, we may not have another chance to.
Health•1 min read
With the availability of medical masks in such short supply, respirators should be sold only to truly “essential” industries—which excludes factory farming.
Health•7 min read
Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal on earth, sold for their meat and scales in wildlife markets around the world. The quirky, anteater-like animal is now at the center of…
Health•10 min read
Regulating the factory farming industry is not enough to minimize its risks. A total ban is necessary because it expresses that factory farming is deeply harmful to humans, animals, and…
Health•5 min read
As long as humans insist on abusing and exploiting animals on factory farms, stronger and deadlier pathogens than the novel coronavirus will emerge from the global food system.
Health•4 min read
The latest pandemic COVID-19, is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. How does it spread, how did it start, and what do you need to know?
Health•21 min read
With much of the world on lockdown tracking the death toll and flight cancellations, no one is questioning why we are in the midst of the worst global pandemic in…
Health•3 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.