Do Calls For Animal Rights Interfere With Religious Freedoms?
Animals play a role in religious ceremonies, meals, and sacrifices. Activists pursuing change to these roles face challenges regarding religious freedoms.
Policy•5 min read
Animals play a role in religious ceremonies, meals, and sacrifices. Activists pursuing change to these roles face challenges regarding religious freedoms.
Policy•5 min read
Youth activists in The Raven Corps are coming together to bring awareness to the pivotal issues the world is currently facing. These activists will not be silenced in their mission…
Climate•4 min read
In a world where fashion trends come and go at the expense of animals and the environment, cruelty-free designer Kat Von D launches a luxe vegan shoe brand.
Health•4 min read
Animal rights and religion overlap in more ways than are currently spoken about or reported on. Here are what the most practiced religions say regarding animals rights.
Health•10 min read
Pit bulls are misunderstood by humans as too aggressive, too big, or even too muscular. Should superficial assumptions lead to these dogs being passed over in shelters and disliked by…
Policy•6 min read
A historic vote on animal rights legislation in New York City has led to the City Council banning foie gras from force-fed birds within city limits.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Patrick Hukins was served non-vegan ham at an Australia-based Domino’s, raising the question of what challenges lie ahead for vegans as the world is slowly changing to accommodate the lifestyle.
Health•4 min read
If you have ever walked through your local animal shelter, you have seen the devastation animals are facing every day. But despite where they come from, these animals open their…
Policy•5 min read
Two black-mouth cur puppies who were rescued from a life in the shelter now bring joy to the family of Sentient Media writer and social media coordinator Krista Kihlander.
Policy•4 min read
Dogs and humans alike, all animals play an important role in the world. Is using service dogs justified when their lives are being put in danger?
Law & Justice•6 min read
The effect activists are having on legislative change involving animal rights and welfare is becoming rapid. Two ground-breaking bans were signed into law this past weekend in the State of…
Law & Justice•5 min read
There is an important lesson all children need to learn, and that lesson is that keeping wild animals in the wild, is more important than being able to visit them…
Entertainment•4 min read
9-year-old VeganEvan just graduated from the Main Street Vegan Academy in New York, and is now the youngest person to ever become a vegan lifestyle coach.
Policy•4 min read
Groundbreaking undercover investigation of salmon aquaculture exposes cruel, filthy practices of the industrial fish farming industry.
Aquaculture•6 min read
Despite the atrocities birds face in foie gras facilities, Farm Sanctuary is able to provide intensive care to these animals and give them the life they deserve.
Policy•5 min read
Did you know China stopped purchasing the majority of the world’s recyclable items over a year ago? Citizens are placing recyclable items into bins with good intentions, but most of…
Climate•6 min read
Climate change is not a new concept, yet communication experts, scientists, and activists are still struggling with how to convey messages about this pertinent topic.
Climate•6 min read
“One day a week, cut out meat.” Meatless Monday is a weekly commitment that will contribute in the fight against climate change.
Climate•4 min read
The climate crisis we are facing is not a political issue, it’s a personal, human issue that affects everyone in different ways. The digital archive project DearTomorrow wants to hear…
Climate•4 min read
Plastic consumption is on the rise, but so are the innovative ways to ditch it. This guide will help you to reduce single-use plastic and set you up for plastic-free…
Climate•8 min read
A solemn state hangs over Hudson Valley Foie Gras, where over 300,000 mulard ducks are raised and killed for foie gras every year.
Food•6 min read
Animal species are facing one of the greatest threats to their existence: Human activity leading to the inevitable presence of microplastics in the world’s oceans.
Climate•5 min read
On the morning of August 17, nearly 12,000 animal rights activists arrived at the Achilles Statue for the Official Animal Rights March of London. The march then moved to Trafalgar…
Policy•4 min read
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Climate•6 min read
Health•11 min read