What ‘Food Desert’ Means — and Why the Term Is Misleading
New research outlines the anti-Black and anti-Indigenous assumptions of the term.
Health•7 min read
New research outlines the anti-Black and anti-Indigenous assumptions of the term.
Health•7 min read
We won’t see warning labels on meat anytime soon.
Health•9 min read
A Black podiatrist gets creative in a bid to make his community healthier.
Health•8 min read
Why dairy milk became so entrenched in American children's diets.
Health•9 min read
The socioeconomic and psychological barriers preventing a more sustainable food system.
Health•8 min read
How to separate facts from fad diets when you scroll.
Health•11 min read
Students of color are likely to be lactose intolerant — yet dairy-free options in schools are still the exception to the rule.
Nutrition•11 min read
Something unpleasant happens to your body when you stop eating vegetables.
Health•5 min read
A plant-based diet isn’t the same thing as being vegan. Here’s how it differs.
Health•10 min read
A new study published in BMC Medicine finds even small plant-based swaps can lower risk of heart disease and death.
Health•3 min read
The real facts about this American tradition might surprise you.
Health•4 min read
Derived from boiled pig and cow tissue and bones, gelatin is an ingredient in some, but not all, Halloween candy.
Health•3 min read
Contrary to popular belief, the pet food industry is not its own, separate part of the supply chain. It relies on leftover meat produced for human consumption.
Health•8 min read
Milk made with precision fermentation could take up to 33 percent of the dairy industry’s market share.
Health•6 min read
Ultra-processed foods are designed to be addictively delicious. Just how unhealthy are they and what are the processed foods to avoid? We explain.
Health•8 min read
Over 34 million people in the U.S. suffer from hunger. One effort to address food insecurity is through SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program.
Health•7 min read
There are 11 nonessential amino acids that are absolutely critical for your body.
Health•4 min read
Is there a link between dairy and cancer risk? The evidence isn't conclusive but we took a closer look at what we do know in this explainer.
Health•7 min read
Food labels are confusing. Our guide will help you tell the difference between useful information and meaningless junk.
Health•8 min read
There are nine essential amino acids that your body can get from a variety of foods, including plant-based sources like nuts.
Health•9 min read
Oat milk has become a popular alternative to dairy in recent years, with its healthy nutritional profile and lower impact on animals and the planet.
Health•8 min read
Want to follow a sustainable diet? These 4 organizations each have their own definition, yet they all point towards eating more plants and less meat.
Diet•5 min read
If you're looking to try a vegan diet, read this guide first.
Health•14 min read
Wondering which alcoholic drinks are vegan? This guide can help.
Health•6 min read
The plan relies heavily on meat and dairy industry donations while mostly ignoring the power of plant-based diets.
Health•6 min read
Honey is largely produced by bees living in manmade hives that are very different from their natural habitats.
Health•6 min read
Jell-O is made from gelatin, an ingredient that comes from the bones, skin and connective tissues of farmed animals.
Health•7 min read
One way to make plant-based foods more accessible is to increase the "universal meals" served at schools, prisons and hospitals.
Health•7 min read
Despite the persistent myth that goat milk is healthier and more ethically farmed, dairy goats experience the same factory farm conditions as cattle.
Health•8 min read
Processed meats are a regular part of the American diet but eating them could be be risky for your health.
Health•8 min read
Soybeans are a protein-rich legume native to East Asia and the main ingredient of many different nutritious foods.
Health•15 min read
Omega-3s are most commonly associated with seafood, but can also be found in leafy greens and other vegan sources, including foods that come from plants.
Health•8 min read
Baking without eggs may sound challenging, but it's easier than you'd think. Check out this list of the best egg substitutes for home bakers and cooks.
Health•8 min read
The gelatin available at most grocery stores is primarily made from a protein found in the bones of farmed animals such as cows and pigs.
Health•8 min read
There is not a lot of actual meat in hot dogs, even when it’s listed as a top ingredient. They are mostly water and fat, but hot dog companies don't…
Health•7 min read
Two-thirds of the population is lactose intolerant. So why don’t school lunch programs offer plant-based milk? The answer is more complicated than you’d think.
Health•9 min read
Public schools in New York City will now serve plant-based meals on Fridays. The only problem is that “Vegan Fridays” aren’t entirely vegan.
Health•3 min read
A lot of people might be surprised by the vast array of plant-based foods that contain protein. Here's a list of some of the most delicious options out there.
Health•8 min read
Learn about what protein is, how it works, and how to get enough of it while maintaining a vegetarian diet.
Health•10 min read
Serving flavored milk in schools has a dangerous downside, one that industry groups, parents, and nutrition experts have been fighting over for years.
Health•9 min read
Seafood has long been hailed by dietitians as a quality source of healthy fats and protein. But there is a darker side to seafood that is often not discussed.
Health•7 min read
It's not your imagination: More people than ever are changing the way they eat. Shouldn't the meals we share with others change, too?
Health•9 min read
With interest in meat alternatives growing, so is curiosity about what alternatives like plant-based chicken are exactly, and why consumers should consider eating them.
Health•9 min read
How do vegans get protein, you ask? Surprisingly, a balanced vegan diet contains more than enough protein to meet one’s nutritional needs.
Health•15 min read
Could a burger made of plants really be better for us, for the animals, and for the planet? Beyond Meat's answer: Absolutely.
Health•4 min read
The shortest line to draw between humankind and nature is what we eat. Read this book and you'll surely be convinced of that.
Health•5 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.