The Month in a Minute: February 2024
February’s top stories about climate, animals and health.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
February’s top stories about climate, animals and health.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
January's top stories about climate, animals and health.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
This year's top stories in farming, climate and food.
Month in a Minute•5 min read
December’s top stories in farming, climate and food in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
November’s top stories in agriculture, climate and food in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
October’s top stories in agriculture, climate and food in 60 seconds
Month in a Minute•5 min read
September’s top stories in agriculture, climate and food in 60 seconds
Month in a Minute•7 min read
August’s top stories in agriculture, climate and food in 60 seconds
Month in a Minute•11 min read
July’s top stories in agriculture, climate and food in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•12 min read
June’s top stories in agriculture, climate and food in 60 seconds
Month in a Minute•8 min read
A new study by Faunalytics and Sentient Media shows that animal agriculture is systematically underreported in climate media coverage.
Climate•3 min read
We've compiled some of our most frequently used research and analysis in this food-climate reporting toolkit.
Climate•2 min read
May’s top stories in agriculture, climate and our food system in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•11 min read
Indigenous Voices for Saving Animals and Earth is a series of essays from Indigenous peoples illuminating perspectives on the past and future.
Policy•1 min read
April’s top stories in agriculture, climate and our food system in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•9 min read
Media recap of the top stories in agriculture, climate, science and justice in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•13 min read
In this conversation, Moby—musician, songwriter, producer and animal rights activist—and Sentient Media’s founder, Mikko Järvenpää discuss punk rock’s tie to veganism, animal agriculture’s impact on the world around us, American…
Podcast•1 min read
Media recap of the top stories in agriculture, climate, science and justice in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•8 min read
Media recap of the top stories in agriculture, climate, science and justice in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•7 min read
In this course, you’ll learn everything from how to create a personal brand on social media to how to use platforms to create change in the animal protection movement.
Policy•2 min read
Watch The Month in Minute media recap here.
Month in a Minute•9 min read
Media recap of the top stories in agriculture, climate, science and justice in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•5 min read
Top posts from 2022 and more.
Food•7 min read
Media recap of the top stories in agriculture, climate, science and justice in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•5 min read
In Sentient Media's monthly video series, host Jasmine Leyva shares the top stories in food, animals and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
In Sentient Media's monthly video series, host Jasmine Leyva shares the top stories in food, animals and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•2 min read
In this month's Correction, we look at the media's coverage of Freya the Walrus and Alaskan snow crabs, plus the beef industry sponsors Climate Week NYC.
Correction•9 min read
In Sentient Media's monthly video series, host Jasmine Leyva shares the top stories in food, animals and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•8 min read
Sentient Media is launching a new $10,000 fund and training program to support journalists in the Midwest who report on environmental and agricultural issues.
Climate•2 min read
An animal sanctuary is a facility where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives.
Policy•1 min read
In Sentient Media's monthly video series, host Jasmine Leyva shares the top stories in food, animals and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•6 min read
On factory farms, animals are subjected to stress, confinement and physical harm. But the meatpacking industry is also harmful to humans caught within it.
Food•3 min read
In Sentient Media's monthly video series, host Jasmine Leyva shares the top stories in food, animals, and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•7 min read
Our planet is in trouble. Younger generations, like Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, are taking action.
Climate•1 min read
The top stories in food, animals, and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•10 min read
The top stories in food, animals, and the environment in 60 seconds.
Month in a Minute•3 min read
New systems are changing what we eat, how it is made, and who makes it. These changes could expand access to high-quality food while reducing environmental impacts.
Science•1 min read
Our monthly recap of the top stories about animals, agriculture, and the environment.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
With more than a quarter-million factory farms to its name, America has officially ushered in the rise of industrial agriculture. Small farmers are paying the price.
Food•2 min read
Our monthly recap of the biggest stories in animals, food, the environment, and justice delivered to you in just one minute.
Month in a Minute•4 min read
The war impacts millions of lives, including the animals and advocates in Ukraine committed to protecting them. Here's what you can do to help.
Policy•3 min read
From an early age, we’re taught that milk is essential to our growth and development. What we’re not taught is where that milk comes from.
Climate•2 min read
Introducing brand new video series: The Month in a Minute. From avian flu to greenwashing, revisit January’s top stories delivered to you in one minute.
Month in a Minute•3 min read
Experts believe that drug-resistant bacteria, many of which are born on factory farms, could be the cause of the next pandemic. We took a closer look.
Food•2 min read
This year, we continued our mission to create transparency around the use of animals in our daily lives—from food to companionship to laboratory test subjects.
Policy•8 min read
More than 90 percent of drugs that pass clinical trials in animals fail to prove effective for use in humans. Yet, the FDA still spends millions on animal testing.
Animal Testing•2 min read
Protein is one of the four main food groups that form a balanced diet. Our bodies use proteins as building blocks for our skin, bones, muscle, vitamins, and hormones.
Food•2 min read
Animal agriculture generates massive amounts of greenhouse gases, despite the industry's recent efforts to clean up its act.
Climate•2 min read
Animals are a big part of our everyday lives. Join us as we explore the uncomfortable question: Why do we love some animals and harm others?
Policy•3 min read
The film urges action on ag-gag laws, which seek to “gag” would-be whistleblowers by punishing them for recording footage of what goes on inside factory farms.
Law & Justice•1 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.