Egg Farming: What the Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
Egg farming is the practice of raising birds—such as chickens, ducks, and geese—to produce eggs for human use. Take a look inside this secretive industry.
Food•9 min read
Egg farming is the practice of raising birds—such as chickens, ducks, and geese—to produce eggs for human use. Take a look inside this secretive industry.
Food•9 min read
The rapid increase of antibiotic resistance is threatening the future of poultry farming in Zimbabwe. Experts say education is the root of the problem.
Food•4 min read
Farmers say they’re not to blame for the abuse of medically important drugs in animal agriculture. The problem, as they see it, is much more complicated.
Food•6 min read
Foie gras directly translates to “fat liver,” which is exactly what it is. Learn more about the birds who suffer so that people can eat this so-called delicacy.
Food•7 min read
Experts believe that drug-resistant bacteria, many of which are born on factory farms, could be the cause of the next pandemic. We took a closer look.
Food•2 min read
On large-scale duck farms, thousands of ducks are crammed together with no access to water. The rest of their lives is increasingly unnatural.
Food•11 min read
While factory farming is most prevalent in the Global North, it is gaining political support in Africa, and animals are paying the price.
Food•6 min read
Big Food is characterized by the domination of major food markets by a few large companies. In the food industry, the lack of competition leads to a host of problems.
Food•12 min read
Dairy cows are kind, emotional, and social creatures. However, the dairy industry sees them as nothing more than sources of milk.
Food•12 min read
The rise of intensive animal agriculture in the EU has created a new phenomenon: the landless farm. Exempt from key welfare protections, these farms pose a serious threat to farmed…
Food•5 min read
The leaders of pork company Smithfield Foods and chicken producer Perdue Farms were in regular contact with government officials as the coronavirus began sweeping through their plants.
Food•7 min read
Between 2015 and 2020, financial institutions gave over $478 billion to meat and dairy corporations around the world, largely without scrutiny.
Food•5 min read
A shortage of butchers in the UK has left slaughterhouses operating at decreased capacity, forcing many farmers to kill their pigs themselves.
Food•5 min read
CAFOs are industrial facilities where thousands of farmed animals are densely packed in sheds and feedlots. They're one of the best examples of how broken our food systems really are.
Food•10 min read
United Nations distances itself from “distortive” and “biased” animal pharma livestock briefing that used UN sustainable food summit logo.
Food•10 min read
Chicken nuggets are a staple of fast food chains and grocery store freezers, but there's more to the simple nuggets than meets the eye.
Food•10 min read
Over the past 50 years, mega-corporations have placed a firm hold on the pork industry, leaving many pig farmers in financial ruin.
Food•1 min read
Because of factory farming, people can eat low-cost fish, chicken, beef, pork, and other animal-based foods, but at the expense of the environment, animal welfare, and marginalized peoples.
Food•17 min read
Farming was a sustainable way of life until corporate agriculture came knocking. Now, farmers are caught in the gears of an industry that prioritizes cheap crops and labor above all…
Food•18 min read
Dairy farmers work long hours in dangerous conditions, while animals are constantly impregnated and then separated from their young.
Food•10 min read
Big Ag didn't just put small farmers out of business. They changed a way of life in rural America and made it harder to fight climate change.
Food•20 min read
A special investigation into the expansion of cattle farming in Colombia has found a connection between illegal deforestation and the rise of armed conflict in the region.
Food•5 min read
Rabbit is often celebrated as the "most sustainable" meat, but it emits more carbon per kilogram than both chicken and pork and causes millions of animals to suffer.
Food•6 min read
Since its inception in 1861, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's primary function was to serve the interests of farmers, often at the expense of public health and the environment.
Food•9 min read
At the UK's only slaughter-free dairy farm, calves are allowed to be with their mothers, and spent cows roam around in peace. Sound too good to be true? We took…
Food•5 min read
Over the last few weeks, severe winter storms have pelted the U.S. agriculture industry with problems, killing hundreds of thousands of animals.
Food•4 min read
In the absence of political leadership, grassroots organizations and NGOs are taking on factory farms themselves, building on growing public support for less intensive animal agriculture.
Food•8 min read
The ditch dairy argument can be a tough pill to swallow. This is not meant to shame anyone, simply to share my story of why I chose to stop consuming…
Food•9 min read
With as many as 800,000 boats in the water, some as far afield as Argentina, China is unmatched in the size and reach of its fishing vessels. Ian Urbina reports…
Food•13 min read
McDonald's animal cruelty record is far from perfect. The company has been under fire after multiple investigations exposed cruelty at its chicken suppliers.
Food•6 min read
Live animal export is one of the single greatest threats to animal welfare. Every year, billions of animals are crammed into cargo holds, and many don't make it out alive.
Food•8 min read
The live animal trade is thriving. Every day, millions of farmed animals are shipped around the world, panic-stricken and disoriented on their way to slaughter.
Food•4 min read
By rescuing animals from captivity and documenting slaughterhouse facilities, activists aim to disrupt oppressive institutions—like factory farms—that harm both human and nonhuman animals and the planet.
Food•5 min read
To address the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and the ongoing threat of zoonotic disease, advocates must turn their calls for divestment to the factory farming industry.
Food•4 min read
Animal advocates criticize the painful effects of rapid growth in chickens. But poultry producers often draw attention away from the issue, touting new innovations in their breeding methods and general…
Food•5 min read
Today, corporate agriculture raises broiler chickens by the billions, producing birds that have not only outgrown their own bodies but are capable of outgrowing the industry itself.
Food•9 min read
Two couples in rural Indiana worked for decades to build the American dream—and then watched it slip away to a massive pig farm. They refuse to give up.
Food•11 min read
Millions of farmed animals are being killed as the industry receives billions in COVID-19 federal aid. Advocates want to know where the money is going.
Food•9 min read
Leather production poses a triple threat—it inflicts unimaginable cruelty on animals, harms and kills tannery workers, and destroys vital ecosystems.
Food•6 min read
Millions of farmed animals were needlessly put to death during the pandemic. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Food•8 min read
When slaughterhouses shut down, producers had nowhere to send their animals. As a result, tens of millions of animals were killed and disposed of, posing a serious threat to humans…
Food•4 min read
As a leading meat producer, Tyson has the potential to do much harm but also much good. It could annually end the exploitation of billions of animals by expanding its…
Food•6 min read
The culling of pigs during COVID-19 hardly compares in scale to the misery of the 75 million pigs currently held on U.S. factory farms, or the anguish of the more…
Food•5 min read
During the coronavirus crisis, agribusiness’s callous treatment of its workers and blatant disregard for animal welfare has reached a new low.
Food•4 min read
The connection between meat consumption and masculinity is not new. What is new is the increasing influence of prominent vegan men who speak up about the benefits of their diets.
Food•7 min read
Using the term “euthanasia,” which literally means "a good death," to describe the mass killing of overpopulated farmed animals is a misnomer. They suffer horrific deaths.
Food•4 min read
PETA plans to use its shareholder position to influence Tyson, Smithfield, and others to switch to packing only plant-based meats.
Food•2 min read
Farmed animals represent an ever-growing number of animals that are raised, exploited, and slaughtered for fashion and food. These are animals who have few rights and zero freedom.
Food•23 min read
With COVID-19 closures impacting meat and dairy supply chains, the industry faces a choice: stay open and risk the lives of its employees, or shut down and force farmers to…
Food•3 min read
Industrial farming practices are making it increasingly more difficult for independent farmers to sustain on their own.
Food•8 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.