Dairy Industry Spends Millions on “Education Programs” for Children
In Australia, children as young as age five—who are naturally inclined to love and care about animals—are being "educated" by the dairy industry.
Food•8 min read
In Australia, children as young as age five—who are naturally inclined to love and care about animals—are being "educated" by the dairy industry.
Food•8 min read
Animal Outlook, formerly Compassion Over Killing, has revolutionized animal cruelty investigations, going deep undercover to bring the truth to light.
Food•6 min read
Pig slaughterhouses are now allowed to operate slaughter lines at any speed they choose. But how can an industry responsible for so much suffering be expected to regulate itself?
Food•4 min read
Heat waves aren’t just a people problem. When food, water, shade, and safe transport are scarce, farm animals are often the first ones to suffer.
Food•8 min read
Most people consider themselves animal lovers and take any opportunity to admire them, including as they pass by in transport trucks on the highway. Not many people, though, question where…
Food•8 min read
Journalist Sophie Kevany reports from the front lines of the dairy industry, where there are suggestions cows might need opioids to cope with the stress of calf separations.
Food•7 min read
The science is clear: fish can feel pain and want to avoid it. Can we continue to ignore the facts in the face of killing as many as one trillion…
Food•4 min read
Activists with Animal Rebellion risked arrest storming CarVal offices to expose companies profiting the most from climate change.
Climate•3 min read
In the name of efficiency and productivity, kill line speeds are increasing in North American slaughterhouses. This is very bad for the animals, and bad for the people, too.
Food•4 min read
JBS USA is a leading American meat processor responsible for some of the worst recalls, environmental scandals, and animal cruelty cases ever seen before.
Food•14 min read
Tyson Foods produces 20 percent of the United States’ chicken, pork, and beef products. Their market dominance is won at the cost of cruelty to animals, harm to the environment,…
Food•12 min read
There is no humane way to load a sentient being into a truck to send them off to a death they do not desire. Jessica Scott-Reid examines the fight against…
Food•5 min read
An estimated 121 million pigs are slaughtered every year in the United States, and one pork producer is responsible for over 15 million of those deaths.
Food•12 min read
The sad truth is the cruel practice of pig farming would not exist without the demand for pig products, which has never been higher.
Food•5 min read
In the United Kingdom, KFC is making progress for good by signing up to a comprehensive broiler chicken welfare commitment, and seeing a massive demand for its new vegan sandwich…
Food•4 min read
The dairy industry is one built on extreme suffering and cruelty. And it's existence is completely unnecessary.
Food•5 min read
The Humane League released a new campaign video today targeting McDonald’s and their lack of meaningful chicken welfare policies. Why is McDonald's still falling behind both its competitors and its…
Food•4 min read
As consumer demand for non-animal proteins increases – for reasons of health, climate impact, and animal suffering – many fast food competitors are putting plant-based food on their menus. McDonald's…
Food•4 min read
In 2018, about 3,000 dairy farms closed across the United States, in part due to the federal government's lack of interest in the well-being of small farms. Could plant-based milk…
Food•4 min read
Former undercover investigator Geoff Regier takes us inside the disturbing world of factory farming, where 25 million chickens are killed for food every day—just in the United States.
Food•2 min read
The acquisition of beef production capacity is symptomatic of short-term thinking at the retail behemoth, and possibly a questionable move financially as meat production faces an increasingly critical political climate.
Food•3 min read
Poultry farmers are growing chickens faster than ever to meet soaring consumer demand. At this rate, the EU will set a record for poultry consumption in each of the next…
Food•6 min read
When asked about the sustainability standards about its meat suppliers – Tyson and Cargill specifically – Whole Foods CEO James Mackey said there isn’t much he can do. “I always think…
Food•1 min read
Research and development of new technologies will aid the new complex production process. GFI's goal is simple: make it possible for more people to eat plant- and cell-based meat.
Food•6 min read
Factory farms need to hear from you through petitions, letters from student governments, and calls to your representatives in Congress. And they need to hear from you because the end…
Food•5 min read
The dairy industry is often presented to consumers as wholesome and humane. What actually goes on at dairy farms doesn’t match up with the marketing message, though. Dairy cows lead…
Food•12 min read
Animal welfare policy should prioritize animals. It should keep mothers with their children. Instead, dairy farmers deprive cows of a natural life so they can, essentially, steal their milk and…
Food•10 min read
Pigs are highly intelligent, social creatures that deserve compassion and respect. They don't deserve to spend their short lives confined to atrocious conditions waiting for imminent slaughter.
Food•16 min read
The idea that we need to consume meat to remain healthy is a myth rooted in a culture with customs of eating meat and in an industry that wants to…
Food•13 min read
Consumers rarely, if ever, get to see the cow that produced the milk they drink. For big dairy companies, the problem starts with the financial incentive to hide the suffering…
Food•5 min read
Let’s review: There are over 100 billion farmed animals alive today. That’s more than 10 times the number of humans, and in the U.S., where most humans live with enough…
Food•2 min read
Chickens and laying hens that have continuous access outside are considered “free-range” as labeled by the USDA. For egg-producing hens, this access must be available throughout their laying cycle. The…
Food•1 min read
Affran Moffat/Flickr DuBreton, a farming operation providing Certified Humane and organic pork to millions of people around the world, invested $40 million into establishing more humane farming practices since 2015.…
Food•2 min read
Cage-free is a labeling term regulated by the USDA. It refers to eggs that require hens to be raised in an enclosed facility or building where they have unlimited access…
Food•1 min read
🐷 Sows are dying at alarming rates—rising from 5.8% to 10.2% on farms with more than 125 sows. There’s no clear cause yet, but experts point to vitamin deficiency, mycotoxins…
Food•1 min read
For the first time since 2012, meat is on the rise. Exports for the 35.4-billion-dollar beef industry are forecasted to increase 5% in 2018. Broiler meat, which are chickens raised…
Food•2 min read
Tyson and Blue Apron are still using gestation crates, despite the major food suppliers' efforts to establish better animal welfare standards. Tyson's Open Prairie brand, which supplies Blue Apron with…
Food•1 min read
Matt Brown/Flickr A draft of the latest Dietary Recommendations for Americans said that it's healthier to eat less red and processed meat. But when the meat lobby got the word,…
Food•1 min read
Smithfield Foods/YouTube Apparently, $400 million dollars is enough to get Smithfield to shut down their hog plant in North Carolina. After a series of lawsuits from nearby residents complaining about…
Food•1 min read
A hatchery is used to raise eggs under controlled conditions. Most poultry hatcheries in the United States operate under a vertically integrated system, where the company that owns or supplies…
Food•1 min read
For the last century farming practices have shifted with the growth of technology from a family-oriented model to an industrialized setup that maximizes profits and output. Today most of the…
Food•1 min read
There are 3.5 million more pigs than people in Spain, an increase of about 9 million pigs since 2013. Spaniards consume almost 50 pounds of pork per year, which all…
Food•1 min read
Hog producers are often contracted by corporate pork producers to raise hogs for processing. The farm and equipment are generally owned by the farmer, while the pigs themselves belong to…
Food•2 min read
Residents were shocked at the proposal, not to mention the $500 million in tax-free loans the county had promised Tyson.
Food•7 min read
The Big Mac was first launched 50 years ago. Over the decades, the sandwich has become legendary to the point of being a comparative instrument in international economics in the…
Food•1 min read
28 different sets of animal welfare rules exist in the EU. But the second the animals are herded into containers and shipped across country lines, those rules become very hard to…
Food•1 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.