Cargill Meat Still Contains Critical Antibiotics, Investigation Finds
This, despite commitments by the company.
Food•5 min read
This, despite commitments by the company.
Food•5 min read
Inside the industry most consumers don’t realize they’re supporting.
Food•11 min read
The tactic of rescuing injured farm animals has helped animal rights activists win more court cases and nab the media spotlight.
Food•8 min read
A new investigation from Animal Justice Project reveals trampled and rotting hens on a farm that supplies eggs to the grocery giant Lidl.
Food•4 min read
A new investigation documents abuse and a 30 hour journey with no food or water.
Food•7 min read
Hidden footage captured at pork mega-farm Bickmarsh Hall reveals pigs living in filth and suffering from injuries.
Food•4 min read
Climate change is causing more North Carolina farms to flood, killing animals and flooding the streets with their manure.
Food•7 min read
The dairy industry is targeting Gen Z with a new social media campaign.
Food•9 min read
A new video investigation documents Lidl's fast-growing chicken breeds suffering in factory farms.
Food•4 min read
After four years investigating one of Britain's largest and most contentious pig farms, the team at Viva! shows just how far the industry is willing to go to hide the…
Food•5 min read
Viva!’s latest undercover investigation of a commercial duck egg facility reveals severe abuse and lapses in biosecurity protocols.
Food•6 min read
A new investigation from Animal Outlook documents what happens when animals are held in transport trucks for hours on end with no rest.
Food•5 min read
A new BBC Panorama documentary has viewers taking to social media to decry the “shocking” and “inhumane” treatment of cows in the dairy industry.
Food•3 min read
More than a century has passed since Upton Sinclair’s tell-all novel, The Jungle, sparked public outrage at the corruption of the meatpacking industry. Not much has changed.
Food•9 min read
Over the past two decades, Pete Paxton has dedicated his life to exposing animal abuse wherever it hides, earning him a spot among the most accomplished undercover investigators of all…
Food•6 min read
Many of the farmed animals were found "in a severe state of neglect." The USDA, which has already given the farm $160,000, refused to comment on whether or not it…
Food•6 min read
An Animal Equality investigation released last week filmed "unacceptable" conditions at a "high welfare" pig farm in the UK. The pigs were found living in filth and many were seen…
Food•5 min read
The dairy industry works hard to convince consumers that its milk is cruelty-free. But a new investigation into the trade of days-old dairy calves tells a different story.
Food•6 min read
Even when animal protections are strong, millions of sentient beings suffer. Clément Martz takes us to the heart of the problem, exposing conditions at "high welfare" facilities during COVID-19.
Food•6 min read
Join renowned photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur as she climbs transport trucks in Turkey, documenting animals in their final moments on the way to slaughter.
Food•1 min read
As the pandemic forces Gem de Silva to take some time out, he reflects on 30 years of investigating factory farms and other industries exploiting animals.
Food•8 min read
This isn't the first time the Crown-approved duck supplier has come under fire, and it certainly won't be the last. The industry is riddled with violence.
Food•7 min read
Footage from an investigation inside Dick Van Dam Dairy—a supplier of popular milk brands like Dairy Pure and TruMoo—is so graphic, actor Kate Mara warns, "You may need to look…
Food•3 min read
Scott David investigated three slaughterhouses during his time in the field—a chicken slaughterhouse, a pig processing plant, and the largest lamb slaughterhouse in the U.S. It never got any easier.
Food•6 min read
The problem is not that their animal welfare standards are too low, but that the language of welfare has no place in these standards at all.
Food•5 min read
Perdue is often touted as a leader in chicken welfare. But across the poultry industry, companies continue to leave their youngest and sickest birds behind.
Food•7 min read
Humane food labels are supposed to give consumers confidence that their products are responsibly sourced and farmers are held to higher welfare standards. But too often, they're proven wrong.
Food•8 min read
This video includes graphic images some readers may find disturbing. Cruel and excruciating methods are being used to kill thousands of pigs that have become commercially worthless during the pandemic.
Food•2 min read
Through corporate responsibility programs, media campaigns, and groundbreaking investigations, Animal Equality is making the choice to support animal rights an easy one.
Food•7 min read
Relating her first-hand experiences in an investigation with Animal Equality, actor Rooney Mara exposes the reality of factory farming. "It's so much more awful than you can even imagine."
Food•3 min read
New footage from Animal Equality shows the disturbing reality inside an Italian pig slaughterhouse. The violence is savage, but not outside the norm.
Food•2 min read
A solemn state hangs over Hudson Valley Foie Gras, where over 300,000 mulard ducks are raised and killed for foie gras every year.
Food•6 min read
The term "organic" may make the consumer think the milk came from a happy cow, but Animal Recovery Mission’s latest investigation proves no dairy is cruelty-free.
Food•6 min read
Animal Equality reveals shocking scenes of animal abuse and neglect at Summit Calf Ranch in Nebraska, a facility housing 11,000 calves and owned by Tuls Dairy.
Food•3 min read
There is a reason why the animal agriculture industry fights to keep its practices hidden. What happens to animals in the food system is fundamentally wrong--and needs to be seen.
Food•6 min read
A whistleblower offered the first hidden-camera look inside a lamb slaughterhouse in the U.S. Now, the Department of Justice is stepping in. That's how bad it was, yet it is…
Food•14 min read
Torturous labor conditions and systemic animal abuse are well hidden by the industry. That is until investigators show up. The undercover investigators at factory farms are risking everything to show…
Food•7 min read
More than 1,000 mother pigs were found suffering miserable lives in crates at one of British Columbia’s largest pig farms. PETA’s investigation spurred direct action by hundreds of activists over…
Food•1 min read
California's darling burger chain In-N-Out and the wholesale retailer Costco are supplied, in part, by Northern California Ray-Mar Farms and Harris Ranch, whose cruel mistreatment of animals was just exposed…
Food•2 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.