4 Principles of the Microsanctuary Movement
The microsanctuary movement gives rescuers with limited resources a way to do the work.
Policy•8 min read
The microsanctuary movement gives rescuers with limited resources a way to do the work.
Policy•8 min read
In this explainer, we answer the question what is veal?
Food•11 min read
In 2015, more than 100 million metric tons of fish were produced from aquaculture operations.
Aquaculture•7 min read
Communities around the world have raised and captured shrimp for centuries. Recent decades and growing demand have given rise to intensive shrimp farming.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Mariculture refers to the farming of fish, plants and other animals in salt water for human consumption.
Aquaculture•8 min read
Wondering which alcoholic drinks are vegan? This guide can help.
Health•6 min read
Honey is largely produced by bees living in manmade hives that are very different from their natural habitats.
Health•6 min read
Jell-O is made from gelatin, an ingredient that comes from the bones, skin and connective tissues of farmed animals.
Health•7 min read
There are many different versions of vegetarianism, and a wide range of benefits from adopting a more plant-rich diet.
Diet•9 min read
Despite the persistent myth that goat milk is healthier and more ethically farmed, dairy goats experience the same factory farm conditions as cattle.
Health•8 min read
Are sanctuary owners obligated to nearby cattle farms? A recent case sparked outrage among animal rights activists and farmers.
Policy•10 min read
Hunting is defined as the act of chasing another animal to kill, typically with a gun. Eight states have banned wildlife killing contests.
Policy•8 min read
Is it healthy to eat eggs every day? People may avoid eating eggs due to health concerns, allergies or ethical considerations.
Diet•6 min read
Salmon has long been considered a healthy source of protein, but there are plenty of nutritious plant-based alternatives.
Diet•8 min read
KFC has a surprising number of vegan options. Recently, the fast food chain tested a new plant-based product, Beyond Fried Chicken, in select stores.
Health•7 min read
Plant-based foods are one of the food industry's top-selling items. Here are a few of this year's trends, from "meatier" meat to plant-based seafood.
Health•7 min read
There is not a lot of actual meat in hot dogs, even when it’s listed as a top ingredient. They are mostly water and fat, but hot dog companies don't…
Health•7 min read
Maintaining a vegan diet can help you manage certain conditions like diabetes or heart disease. Vegans also tend to live healthier lives.
Diet•8 min read
Eating less meat is the most powerful tool we have to avoid climate destruction. Here are a few tips to help you eat more sustainably.
Climate•8 min read
Food tech startups reportedly received more than $39 billion in new funding in 2021. Food delivery companies and online grocers led the way.
Science•10 min read
All of life is interconnected, and a food web is one way to show how important each plant, animal, fungus, and bacteria is to habitats around the world.
Climate•10 min read
If you're trying to eat less meat, try one of the recipes listed in this article—all of which feature vegetables and legumes as primary ingredients.
Diet•9 min read
Scientists say dietary change is required to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Higher-income countries can maximize their impact by eating less meat.
Climate•8 min read
Veganism has grown exponentially in the last several years. Today, it is a mighty campaigning and ethical force. Want to get involved?
Diet•10 min read
For years, fish farming was championed as a sustainable alternative to overfishing. But many advocates worry it has unseen consequences.
Climate•9 min read
In the dairy industry, a cow’s life is segmented into predictable, routine steps to help farms make the most profit. We took a closer look at what happens next.
Food•8 min read
Advocates have worked for decades to educate the public about the danger of mink farms. During the pandemic, their work became hyper-relevant.
Food•9 min read
Egg farming is the practice of raising birds—such as chickens, ducks, and geese—to produce eggs for human use. Take a look inside this secretive industry.
Food•9 min read
Should animals be used in zoos, rodeos, circuses, and other forms of entertainment? Read more about their time in captivity, and then answer the question.
Entertainment•12 min read
On large-scale duck farms, thousands of ducks are crammed together with no access to water. The rest of their lives is increasingly unnatural.
Food•11 min read
Dairy cows are kind, emotional, and social creatures. However, the dairy industry sees them as nothing more than sources of milk.
Food•12 min read
Learn about what protein is, how it works, and how to get enough of it while maintaining a vegetarian diet.
Health•10 min read
Animal trafficking is considered to be one of the most profitable illegal activities in the world. Monkeys, tigers, and pangolins are all heavily trafficked.
Policy•9 min read
Most laboratory research that uses animals relies on mice and rats as test subjects. Learn more about how these animals are treated and what happens to them after the experiment…
Animal Testing•8 min read
Puppy mills breed dogs that are twice as likely to be fearful of other people. This is one of the many reasons why advocates are calling for their closure.
Policy•8 min read
Factory farming is part of a global food system that prioritizes cheap food at the expense of animal welfare, society, and the environment.
Climate•9 min read
The conditions in which cows are farmed are detrimental to the air, water, habitat, and soil. Experts say the industry has been slow to adapt.
Climate•8 min read
Animal rights is a revolutionary idea and social movement that requires humans to reexamine their relationship with animals, especially animals used for food.
Policy•10 min read
More fish are now raised on farms than are caught in the wild, making fish farmers an integral part of the seafood industry. However, they face a number of environmental…
Aquaculture•10 min read
Over the past 50 years, mega-corporations have placed a firm hold on the pork industry, leaving many pig farmers in financial ruin.
Food•1 min read
Because of factory farming, people can eat low-cost fish, chicken, beef, pork, and other animal-based foods, but at the expense of the environment, animal welfare, and marginalized peoples.
Food•17 min read
The popularity of plant-based milks suggests a trend towards more compassion in the food system—for human health, the environment, and farmed animals.
Health•12 min read
While it isn’t necessary to go vegan in order to be healthy, vegan diets can certainly help. Find out the benefits of cutting animal products out of your diet.
Diet•11 min read
Like the Impossible Burger, cultivated meat is an industry-led technological innovation that will make it easier to cut animals out of your diet and eat meat, too.
Food•11 min read
Permaculture is a way of farming that seeks to work with nature instead of against it. But the use of the term is widely contested as a form of cultural…
Climate•13 min read
The popularity of vegan meat substitutes in supermarkets in the United States and around the world is growing. Check out a few of our favorites.
Diet•14 min read
Human activity is threatening marine animals' way of life. Instead of asking ourselves how we can fish more sustainably, we should ask what we need to do to ensure their…
Climate•12 min read
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