Ireland Braces for Factory Farm Expansion
36 new factory farms are slated to open in Ireland, pending approval from the Irish EPA.
Food•7 min read
36 new factory farms are slated to open in Ireland, pending approval from the Irish EPA.
Food•7 min read
Marketed to consumers as "sustainable," this "climate-beneficial" wool is polluting the land and killing wildlife.
Climate•8 min read
Climate change is causing more North Carolina farms to flood, killing animals and flooding the streets with their manure.
Food•7 min read
Researchers in South Africa developed artificial nests to help protect penguins from extreme heat.
Research•3 min read
A new study shows pigs socialize in similar ways to humans.
Research•4 min read
"Bees have a richer behavior and life than we would have previously thought.”
Research•6 min read
The dairy industry is targeting Gen Z with a new social media campaign.
Food•9 min read
Reboot Food calls for replacing factory farms with precision fermentation.
Climate•5 min read
Researchers found tourists — despite their best intentions — may make life worse for the lion cubs they visit.
Entertainment•10 min read
More than 80 percent of flu vaccines rely on chickens confined in secret FDA facilities. But there are alternatives.
Health•6 min read
Consumers say they prefer "cage-free" eggs, yet some producers are slow to adapt.
Food•4 min read
Beef production is a leading driver of climate emissions but in Brazil, a collaborative carbon sink project has returned a degraded cattle ranch to carbon-rich forest.
Climate•13 min read
Links between exposures to toxic pollutants, like agricultural pesticides, and maternal health outcomes remain under-researched.
Climate•11 min read
One of the world's most prestigious universities made a pledge to go meat-free but the reality has been far from sustainable.
Climate•4 min read
Sargassum provides habitat for hundreds of species and food for turtles. But when it chokes the coastline, it’s a sea-life killer that smothers shallow-water habitats.
Climate•4 min read
Animal advocates are working with farmers and communities to get the last of the bile bears released to sanctuaries.
Policy•8 min read
Exploiting wild fisheries for animal feed disturbs marine ecosystems, drives food insecurity and supplies an industry responsible for massive environmental pollution.
Food•7 min read
Finland's Meeat Food Tech is accelerating food system change by converting existing meat facilities into plant-based protein factories.
Food•9 min read
Chris Burnam talks about developing the perfect vegan chick'n, being a conduit for food transitions and the importance of discussing Black veganism.
Spotlight•8 min read
Animal Rebellion is pledging to block dairy deliveries until the government agrees to support rewilding and plant-based food system transition.
Food•7 min read
One way to make plant-based foods more accessible is to increase the "universal meals" served at schools, prisons and hospitals.
Health•7 min read
A UN treaty to protect international waters has been delayed for the fifth time.
Climate•3 min read
Grouse hunting kills hundreds of thousands of animals each year in the U.K. and releases 260,000 tons of carbon.
Climate•5 min read
“Animal caregivers tend to want to help others but not always themselves."
Policy•6 min read
The Latinx-led Chicago Roo Crew rescues roosters and works with the communities who keep and protect them.
Policy•7 min read
Are sanctuary owners obligated to nearby cattle farms? A recent case sparked outrage among animal rights activists and farmers.
Policy•10 min read
A new paper finds businesses that exploit captive animals for profit are marketing themselves as sanctuaries to draw in conscious consumers.
Policy•5 min read
Earlier this week, animal protection groups filed briefs in support of Proposition 12, California's landmark animal protection law.
Law & Justice•8 min read
At least 10 percent of households no longer have their pandemic pets. In the future, digital pets could be an alternative.
Science•5 min read
A poultry processing company in Singapore offers up its waste to cultivated meat companies. But should they use it?
Food•5 min read
A new study shows bees not only experience pain but can make decisions about whether to endure pain for reward.
Science•4 min read
Companion animals and the state’s feral cat population are at risk.
Policy•5 min read
Iowa residents once had a right to sue polluting factory farm neighbors, Now the Iowa Supreme Court has taken that right away.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Through a series of exclusive interviews, our reporters offer key insights into the role chicken farmers are playing in the fight for a more equitable food system.
Food•8 min read
The connection between factory farms and zoonotic diseases is well-established. But new research shows that less-intensive farming styles also come with their own risks.
Health•4 min read
Even the most protected parts of the ocean “allow for some degree of extractive use, and some are even completely open to commercial fisheries.”
Climate•7 min read
Water disputes can harm community food systems. But resolving these fights is no simple feat.
Climate•6 min read
“I found people with beautiful hearts who give everything for animal advocacy,” says Hillary Cabrera Gavilán, who first got involved when she was 19.
Policy•9 min read
Under Gen Z's guidance, the climate movement has grown during the pandemic, with younger, bolder leaders emerging from all over the world.
Climate•5 min read
KFC has a surprising number of vegan options. Recently, the fast food chain tested a new plant-based product, Beyond Fried Chicken, in select stores.
Health•7 min read
Hunters believe the killing contests help maintain balance in local ecosystems, but advocates say they are often used to protect farming interests.
Policy•6 min read
A new report reveals that an estimated 235 million pounds of pesticides were used to grow feed crops for factory-farmed animals in the U.S. in 2018.
Food•6 min read
Weathers is running for State Representative in the city of Stowe, Vermont, where he says "the status quo isn't working" anymore.
Law & Justice•6 min read
A team of third-party experts will help seven JBS plants reduce employee coronavirus exposure and prepare for future outbreaks.
Food•4 min read
We are excited to announce Jenny Splitter as the new Managing Editor of Sentient Media. Her writing has been seen in Vox, the Guardian, and Popular Mechanics, among others.
Policy•4 min read
A new report claims that Groupon “routinely partners with some of the cruelest captive wildlife venues in the U.S.” Sentient Media investigates three of the highest-profile facilities.
Entertainment•8 min read
This special edition newsletter features facts and figures about inequality and injustice in global food systems from over 100 individuals in 17 different countries around the world.
Policy•2 min read
For years, he inspired curiosity and awe for the natural world in ways that no other television presenter had done before. But recently, the tone of his films has changed.
Climate•6 min read
British supermarkets are pouring millions of pounds into the UK’s beleaguered pig farming sector. Experts fear it may only make the problem worse.
Food•6 min read
An expansive new report shows that cheap poultry for markets, restaurants, and pets comes at the expense of Indigenous peoples in Brazil.
Policy•3 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.