Where on Earth Does Gelatin Come From?
The gelatin available at most grocery stores is primarily made from a protein found in the bones of farmed animals such as cows and pigs.
Health•8 min read
The gelatin available at most grocery stores is primarily made from a protein found in the bones of farmed animals such as cows and pigs.
Health•8 min read
Check out the first interview from our new series, Sentient Media Spotlight, that celebrates people making a profound impact in their communities.
Policy•6 min read
In the wild, dolphins spend their lives surrounded by other dolphins. But in captivity, life looks very different, and their health often suffers as a result.
Climate•8 min read
Virtually every member of the animal kingdom benefits from a more mentally stimulating environment, especially zoo animals, cats, dogs, and even mice.
Science•8 min read
To produce milk, dairy cattle need to be impregnated. The typical dairy cow is bred every single year, giving her body no break from producing milk or carrying a baby.
Food•8 min read
Over half of the world’s population suffers from lactose malabsorption, the condition behind lactose intolerance. Learn how to avoid its worst symptoms.
Diet•8 min read
Want to change the way you eat? You came to the right place. Here's a comprehensive guide to eating plant-based.
Diet•8 min read
Buddhism focuses on doing no harm. As a result, many of its 500 million practitioners around the world, though not all of them, abstain from eating meat.
Health•10 min read
For the last several years, meat consumption in the United States has, in fact, been increasing. But many Americans are deciding to make a change.
Health•7 min read
Reducing meat consumption can have numerous benefits on human health, the environment, and animals. Find out how to take charge of your diet today.
Diet•8 min read
There are several health issues to consider when consuming milk. Milk contains large amounts of fat, causes acne, and can trigger allergic reactions.
Diet•8 min read
In the U.S., dairy farms generate $628 billion annually. And while they add to the GDP of many countries, they also cause harm that cannot be undone.
Food•8 min read
Animal agriculture is responsible for a large portion of global emissions. If you’re trying to lower your carbon footprint, going vegan may be the answer.
Climate•8 min read
The terms cage-free and free-range may seem very similar but in reality, there are some key differences between the two. Here’s what you need to know.
Food•7 min read
The egg industry is a dark, complicated place. We took a closer look at the mistreatment of birds on egg farms and what you can do to help.
Food•7 min read
Just transition is a framework that aims to protect frontline workers by prioritizing their needs during the transition away from an exploitative economy.
Policy•8 min read
A lot of people might be surprised by the vast array of plant-based foods that contain protein. Here's a list of some of the most delicious options out there.
Health•8 min read
Foie gras directly translates to “fat liver,” which is exactly what it is. Learn more about the birds who suffer so that people can eat this so-called delicacy.
Food•7 min read
Animal rescue is a social service that helps protect animals from dangerous situations that often involve cruelty and abuse. Find out how you can get involved.
Policy•11 min read
Big Food is characterized by the domination of major food markets by a few large companies. In the food industry, the lack of competition leads to a host of problems.
Food•12 min read
Veganism is much more than just a diet. It is a way of life that seeks to reduce suffering wherever it persists.
Health•8 min read
An animal rights activist is a person who seeks to reduce non-human animal suffering. Want to learn more about animal rights activism? We've got you covered.
Policy•9 min read
Animal abuse often happens right before our eyes, but many people don't know if what they're seeing constitutes animal abuse or how to report it when they do.
Policy•10 min read
With public knowledge of what happens inside animal experimentation facilities at an all-time high, the cruel practice may finally be on its way out.
Animal Testing•9 min read
Seafood has long been hailed by dietitians as a quality source of healthy fats and protein. But there is a darker side to seafood that is often not discussed.
Health•7 min read
Food labels frequently use carefully crafted language that misleads consumers to believe the products are healthier or more sustainable than they actually are.
Food•9 min read
Through animal testing, researchers try and often fail to determine if the products are safe for humans by examining their effects on animals.
Animal Testing•9 min read
Animal protection refers to the set of laws, belief systems, and activist networks dedicated to protecting animals from needless suffering.
Law & Justice•9 min read
Animal cruelty often happens in plain sight, but it can be hard to recognize. Here are a few strategies to combat cruelty against animals in all its forms.
Policy•11 min read
Not only is increasing the movement’s diversity a moral imperative, it’s the best way to ensure that the movement maintains relevancy in an increasingly diverse world.
Policy•6 min read
There are a number of different definitions for sentient beings. Here's how to navigate the complicated conversation around which animals are sentient and which are not.
Science•9 min read
Choosing to eat a whole-food, plant-based diet is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your personal health, the environment, and animal welfare.
Diet•8 min read
Plant-based seafood, an alternative to traditional seafood, has been gaining popularity in recent years and provides a more reliable and sustainable source of food without sacrificing flavor.
Health•8 min read
Dairy farmers work long hours in dangerous conditions, while animals are constantly impregnated and then separated from their young.
Food•10 min read
There are more problems with meat consumption than you might think. Choosing to eat meat places your own health, the public’s health, and the environment at risk.
Diet•10 min read
Given the many negative impacts that industrial agriculture has on the environment, health, and animal welfare, its place in society is coming into question.
Food•10 min read
With interest in meat alternatives growing, so is curiosity about what alternatives like plant-based chicken are exactly, and why consumers should consider eating them.
Health•9 min read
The numerous environmental benefits of eating plant-based foods have been well-documented. Animal agriculture is a primary driver behind climate change.
Climate•9 min read
Since its inception in 1861, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's primary function was to serve the interests of farmers, often at the expense of public health and the environment.
Food•9 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.